Hair cut and dead as a door nail laptop

Apr 27, 2009 20:03

Haven't really posted here... my bad... so here goes... for those who DON'T know >.< or haven't read my DA journal here's a C n P for you... ;p


Okay my LAPTOP is officialllllllly dead.... literary it can't find the HD I've tried several times and I almost cried. Almost.
But because I'm managing the hostel that I'm staying in I have access to the owner's computer hence the update @_@ I got sad regardless... teaches me to have Zack as a Wallpaper.... I knew I couldn't make him live forever T-T

Sooooooo because I got really depressed I went and did window shopping... then I found a hair dresser... I went in for a trim honest! But because I haven't had money to maintain my hair properly..... my waist length hair is like NO MORE!
No more Rangiku/Aerith/Kougaiji cosplay... It's like roughly just longer than Tifa's (AC cut) by about two inches *sighs* I could probably pull off female Ranma again... but yeah... T-T

Anyways we'll see what happens I'll get my costumes sorted when I get home (yes for those of you who don't know, I'm heading home on the 1st of May [my grandfather's kidney went into remission so I'm having to go back to see him]) I'll either Trade me or Ebay the outfit regardless because I want them for the LOLZ.

I'm out... Last entry before I go home

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