Oct 07, 2010 12:14
After less than a week, I'm beating the cold that gripped me last Saturday, just in time for the sunshine and warmer temperatures.
Last night Becki and I started watching the Dark Shadows early 90s re-boot on Netflix. Both of us watched it as kids, and it's very interesting re-visiting the series. Plenty of spookiness and melodrama.
I think you can tell a lot about a particular piece of vampire cinema or literature by whether the vampires that always kill who they feed on, or are able to do so without draining their victims dry.
But damn if the series doesn't confirm the fact that the early 90s is one of the worst periods for fashion. It's like everyone took 80s fashion, stripped out all the good things, and tried to make the worst of it look cool. Spandex, ugly colors, shoulder pads, unflatteringly cut clothing, big hair on women, too much gel on men. I laughed when Barnabas was wearing a grey turtleneck and a silk black smoking jacket. Ugh.
It's no wonder Grunge came along and hit it big - wearing ratty clothes was a far better alternative to this stuff.