Late Night Moosery

Sep 22, 2010 12:24

Last night proved to be another show, that while seemingly cursed, still managed to be fun. First, Agnes Wired for Sound were unable to play, but they were replaced with the excellent Wreckcreation.

I arrived to find out that the soundman at the Smiling Moose still hadn't shown, and the other opener, H.A.T.E., had cancelled. To be honest, I was a little leery of them based on their name.

I hung around chatting with friends while the soundman continued to not be there. The headlining act was getting pretty pissed at the guy, with good reason. Finally, hours late, the guy shows up.

Urn, from Chicago, played first. They had a very European Goth Metal feel. Lots of hair and headbanging, clean and growled vocals. Pretty intense. I was curious about them since the singer/guitarist had played guitars for a short time in the Electric Hellfire Club. I can't say they had much in common with their sound, but they put on a good show.

Wreckcreation headlined and played a very enjoyable set. The set was a bit more keyboard-heavy than others, but certainly not in a bad way. Performing as a three-piece, they were tight and energetic.

I walked home as fast as I could, eager to get to sleep. I've never given much mind to the Smiling Moose boycott; it's never been a real hangout of mine, but if I want to see a band, I'm going to go see a band regardless of where they're playing.

That being said, I was aghast when I went downstairs in-between bands and saw that someone was doing stand-up comedy on the stage there. Or at least, they were trying to; he wasn't very funny. The Moose seems to be trying to change its clientele, to a bit more upscale one, what with the new Ikea tables and menu. Yet, they still book predominantly punk & metal bands, and they still have all the horror memorabilia up. Right now they're trying to have the best of both worlds, something I don't think will last. They'll either have to take the horror stuff down or go back to their old ways. Or go under. The last thing the Southside needs is another d-bag bar.

The Smiling Moose's soundman seems to be a perennial source of difficulty. He was also late when I played the Moose, and does a minimal, mediocre job. With only two bands playing last night, his extremely late showing was the only reason I didn't get home until past midnight. Even the Moose staff were pissed at him. I certainly wouldn't lament it if he got fired.

For all that, I enjoyed myself. It was a beautiful night to go out, and the moon was bright as polished silver.
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