a little weekend madness fer yas

Apr 24, 2005 23:01

hehe it's snowing! it'd be really cool if we had a snow day ~ but i doubt it

church was pretty cool tonight (as usually) it was really funny tho cuz during "yes lord" i jumped into the overhead n it almost fell over n i was embarassed (*-_-) it was funny tho amber laffed at me... for quite a time

last night wen we got back from the praise n worship night thingy (which was pretty cool) we watched the red green show ( awesome show) n then we were all sitting there with the t.v. on and we got to watching this musical called april in paris it was the most hilarious thing ever! the musical in and of itself wasn't very funny but we kept making fun of it and some of the stuff we said made it worthwhile

so ya yesterday i saw finding neverland and i absitively posolutely luv it! it was adorable n it made me want to see hook and peter pan again (the new one) it also started me on another johnny depp obsession... it's not fair ( and kind of creepy) that he can be so pretty yet so old but ya since i'm going in backwards order i might as well tell u of friday

wll the main fun thing was going to Alaine's grandma's woods it's so cool back there and i hope we do a lot of shots there cuz i luv that place i was being all giddy like i normally do in the woods and i got so excited once that i tripped and fell on my face (in the mud) it was really funny but i don't think anyone saw it but ya i' pretty sure everyone was silently laffing at me cuz i was acting like some five year old boy in a candy store or something but it was great fun (except for finding the dead cats...(-_-) n then we went to billy's to see his new puppy she's such a cutie! n he showed us some old pictures of him hehe they were adorable n then he also showed us this corny manger scene thing his brother gave him n it was soo funny i had to hold my hand over my mouth to keep from saying "Christ, Christ ooo it's a Christ!" ( it's a badger thing) it was great but um ya coffeehouse was alright but sbh changed their name :( n ya i gess that' my weekend
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