John's Compatibility Profile® Summary
No person can be fully described or defined by a few short sentences. However, here are several of the most important characteristics revealed by your eHarmony Compatibility Profile that you should keep in mind as you search for your ideal mate:
Some of your ideal mates strongest personality characteristics are:
When necessary, she can take charge and organize others.
She likes it when she can do something the right way the first time.
She is very interested in knowing and learning about certain things.
She likes to keep abreast of what's happening in the world.
Some important qualities that your ideal partner brings to the relationship are:
She is generally pleasant and unassuming.
She has lighthearted moments that help her see and share the positive side of life.
Even when things get bad, she can usually appreciate the good things life has to offer.
She has the ability to connect well with people that she feels an affinity for.
Important goals and values for your ideal mate in a relationship are:
It is very important to her that she shares her core spiritual beliefs with her life partner.
Her religious faith is a central part of who she is.
She believes in being conservative about some things.
She likes the feeling that comes from doing things to help other people.
Social Orientation describes how much of your behavior is motivated by the desire to get along with and be liked by other people, as well as how much is driven by the desire to be seen as an effective problem solver who is self sufficient. People with a strong External Orientation place a high value on communicating their thoughts and feelings with other people. People with a strong Internal Orientation place a high value on individual effectiveness, competence and autonomy. The dimensions that we assess as part of your Social Orientation are Conflict Management, Character, Vitality and Security, Communication Style, Kindness and Autonomy.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Vitality and Security: You need a woman who is honest and reliable. She has a good understanding of what it takes to make a relationship work over the long haul. She wants to build a relationship that will last but doesn't need you for constant support.
Kindness: You and your ideal mate are generally independent. She doesn't need you to shower her with praise and presents. She's the kind of person who will be able to understand oversights, like a missed anniversary or showing up late for a date. She has a thick skin.
Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Character: Your ideal mate isn't going to let other people's misfortunes get her down. Yes, homeless people need help and charities do lots of good work, but that's not necessarily anything that concerns her. She takes care of herself and won't feel the need to try and solve all your problems. Your relationship will be based more on mutual respect than a need for emotional support.
Autonomy: You will be best matched with someone who wants to know all of the important things about your past. She'll be equally interested in living in the present and planning a future. She won't need to know every detail about your life or every thought that crosses your mind. She's the kind of person who sees herself as part of a couple but still maintains her independence and identity.
Communication: Your ideal companion is a woman who can express herself and also listen to others. Friends and family may describe her as the kind of person who isn't overbearing and doesn't talk too much. She'll enjoy talking to you but won't pry too deep if you're not in the mood for conversation.
Conflict Resolution: You'll be happiest with a woman who tries to avoid conflict altogether. When she does have a disagreement, she tries to keep the peace instead of adding fuel to the fire. Resolving the argument is generally more important to her than being right, but she will stand up for herself.
The Extraversion scale assesses how you feel when you are around people. Extroverts are generally comfortable at the center of attention. They rarely feel a need for "alone time" and are almost always eager to meet new people. Introverts, on the other hand, avoid the spotlight when they can, approach many social gatherings with hesitation, and relish time spent with good friends whom they know well. While most people exhibit a mix of Introvert and Extrovert qualities based on what kind of social situation they are in, people who are strongly Extroverted often place the largest value on having many friends and making new friends easily. In contrast, people who are strongly Introverted generally place the highest value on having a few very deep and meaningful friendships. The dimensions of your profile which are associated with Extraversion are Emotional Energy, Sociability, Adaptability, Humor, Romantic Passion and Dominance.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Humor: Your ideal mate is the kind of woman who is funny and interesting. Sometimes, she likes telling jokes and making people laugh with things like one-liners or satirical observations about friends and family. But she doesn't need to be a constant one-woman show.
Adaptability: Your ideal mate is the kind of person who sticks to the tried-and-true rather than risking everything on an untested plan. She'd generally rather opt for a known solution that she knows has worked before or look to past results when making a decision. You will generally know exactly where she stands on an issue from day to day.
Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Emotional Energy: You'll be happiest with someone who understands that you sometimes need downtime to recharge. She likes being a spectator, whether it's watching sports or just people-watching at an airport. She's not the kind of person who always has a list of things she wants to accomplish in a day.
Romantic Passion: Your ideal mate is a woman who likes to focus on the things of substance in a relationship, not on mushy feelings. She wants to spend time with her partner, but that could just as easily mean taking a hike as fixing a romantic dinner. She might think things like Valentine's Day are somewhat contrived romantic situations, which is probably a relief to someone like you.
Dominance: You are best suited to someone who doesn't view life as a competition. She enjoys a game for the sake of playing, rather than needing a victory. Her friends describe her as pretty laid-back and say she rarely, if ever, gets competitive about her private life or work.
Sociability: You'll be happiest with a woman who doesn't go out of her way to meet new people. She's the kind of person who will wait for others to introduce themselves to her. She tends to avoid large parties where she doesn't know anyone. She's not all that fond of mingling, instead preferring time spent with close friends.
Openness refers to a person's willingness to experience new and creative ideas. People who score low on Openness tend to place a high value on tradition and belonging to a group. People who score high on Openness tend to place a high value on imagination and individualism. Extreme scores on Openness also often distinguish between people who enjoy thinking in symbols and abstractions to people who prefer ideas which are clear and concrete. The dimensions of your profile that we consider as part of Openness are Artistic Passion, Curiosity and Intellect.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Curiosity: You will be well matched with a woman who likes to understand the world around her. She's generally inquisitive and knowledgeable about subjects that pertain to her life, whether she's a politics junkie or a baseball fan. If she's not interested in an issue, she probably won't feel compelled to read up on it just to expand her knowledge.
Intellect: Your ideal mate is knowledgeable and well-read. She has varied interests but isn't driven to be an expert on everything. She values education but isn't consumed by it. She doesn't need to be the smartest person in the room.
Artistic Passion: You are best suited to a woman who feels little need to spend time on the arts and culture. On the other hand, she might not know a Picasso from a Pissaro, but she also isn't snobby or has finicky tastes. Her friends and family probably think of her as someone who prefers pop-culture to high-art and prefers news magazines to the latest literary triumph.
Physicality separates people who enjoy being physically energetic and active from those who are uncomfortable or dislike engaging in sports or strenuous activity. Some people push life to the limit, scaling mountains or competing in triathlons. People with a less demanding sense of Physicality enjoy looking at mountains more than climbing them. The dimensions of your profile which compose the most important aspects of your Physicality are Appearance, Physical Energy and Sexual Passion.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Sexual Passion: Your ideal companion is looking for the surge of physical excitement that comes with falling in love. When she's with her partner, she expects a physical connection that goes beyond compatible personalities and interests. Physical chemistry isn't her only need, or even her main one, but she does want to feel a strong desire for her partner.
Appearance: You are most compatible with a woman who wants to look good but doesn't obsess over it. She will appreciate the time and effort you put into your appearance and be happy with the end result. Ultimately, however, she is more concerned with who you are than what you look like.
Physical Energy: You are best suited to someone who likes to stay active but also enjoys spending quiet time at home. She makes staying healthy and exercising a normal part of her life, but she also enjoys kicking back and relaxing when the time is right.
Goal Orientation refers to the drive to plan for the future versus the urge to live in the moment. People who score low on Goal Orientation are generally spontaneous and free spirited. They are likely to act on their first impulse and worry about the consequences afterwards and place a high value on being clever and lucky. People who score high on Goal Orientation, on the other hand, are more driven to think about future consequences before acting, place a high value on being wise and cautious, and like to always put their best foot forward. The dimensions of your profile that relate to your Goal Orientation are Industry, Ambition, Organization and Education.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Education: Your ideal mate is a woman who wants her partner to be a person who is her intellectual equal. She's the kind of person who discusses the issues of the day, like politics, religion, science or the arts. She values learning and is accomplished academically.
Industry: You are most compatible with someone who works hard but avoids bringing too much stress and worry home. She likes to stay busy, but she doesn't need to fill every moment of every day with some task or chore. She's generally efficient, persistent and productive, but she doesn't obsess over making lists of things to do or accomplish.
Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Ambition: You will be happiest with a woman who isn't obsessed with things like career advancement, money and power. She is content with her current status in life. She cares about her performance professionally and wants to be popular socially, but she isn't comparing herself to everyone around her.
Organization: Your ideal mate is the type of person who keeps her home neat and clean, without being obsessive about it. She likes to be structured at home, and make sure everything has its place. But she won't look down on you if you kick off your shoes and don't straighten them at the door. She's good at creating a home that's comfortable and welcoming, the perfect place to relax.
While day-to-day events play a major role in our feelings, there are deep-seated patterns of emotion that underlie our personality and stretch across the span of our lives. These patterns are considered your Emotional Temperament. People who score high on Emotional Temperament are generally upbeat about life and are slow to get upset in the face of minor setbacks or disappointments. People who score low on Emotional Temperament are more likely to experience feelings such as anxiety, anger and depression on a regular basis. The dimensions of your profile that compose your Emotional Temperament are Mood Management, Self-Concept, Emotional Status, Anger Management and Obstreperousness.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Anger Management: You will be happiest with a woman who controls her temper. Generally speaking, she has a long fuse. When she does get mad, she doesn't take it out on others or blame them for her frustration.
Mood Management: You are most compatible with someone who avoids taking bad moods out on others. She knows that everyone has their moody days, so she won't overreact when you're irritable. When she's in a foul mood, she'll usually make sure she doesn't take it out on others.
Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Self-Concept: Your ideal match is someone who is self-assured and agreeable. She believes in herself, so she is willing to take the occasional risk. She wants to fit in but doesn't feel the need to change in order to do so. Her friends most likely describe her as someone who's secure.
Emotional Status: You are best suited to a woman who is generally happy and hopeful for the future. There are things in her life she'd like to improve, but she generally has faith that she'll attain her goals. She's not the type of person to overreact when she has a problem. Friends see her as someone who tries to focus on the positive.
Obstreperousness: Your ideal mate is someone who isn't afraid to stand up for her opinions, but doesn't always feel the need to do so. You need someone who has beliefs and confidence strong enough to match your own. However, you will not do well with someone who needs to dominate every conversation and win every argument. You will do best with someone who knows when to speak her mind, and when to just go along with the people around her.
Many significant ingredients, like upbringing, family goals and spirituality combine to form a person's values and beliefs. Whatever form they take, your values are one of the most powerful determinants of your behavior. Values also play a large role in who we feel comfortable being around and who we find attractive. Dissimilarity in values generally causes discomfort or awkwardness in social situations. Although close friends, family and loved ones can often have one or two stark contrasts in their values, this is made possible by a greater number of shared values, backgrounds and experiences that provide a framework of comfort and similarity. When building an intimate relationship, establishing shared values early on is key to long-term success. The dimensions that we consider as part of your Personal Values are Traditionalism, Spirituality, Family Goals and Altruism.
Based on your profile, you are most compatible with women who fit the following descriptions:
Spirituality: Your ideal mate is someone who is spiritual but doesn't necessarily adhere to any particular system of beliefs. Her faith affects her life, and she is probably looking for a man who shares her beliefs.
Traditionalism: You'll be happiest with a woman who considers herself a good person: She has strong values and her moral beliefs are an important part of who she is. She probably believes that values related to religion, country and family provide important general guidelines for life.
Some additional details about your ideal mate:
Family Goals: Your ideal mate shares your desires to start a new family and experience the joys of parenthood. She loves children and expects that they will play a central role in her life.
Altruism: Your ideal mate is the kind of person who cares about helping strangers but who might not spend a lot of her time doing so. She is someone who would help her friends if they asked her to. With encouragement, she might join efforts to help strangers, whether it's a canned food drive or a charity fundraiser.
Family Background: Your ideal mate has a good relationship with her family, but it's not perfect. They enjoy spending time together but do have occasional disagreements. She's understands that family dynamics can work even when they're not perfect.