Dec 13, 2006 04:31
so, last night anderson tells me his friend is coming from brazil on the 18th and is staying at his house, in his bed, so he's going to stay with me. i'm excited! snuggles every night, fuck yeah!
there's this guy ninja_don (or something) in the lj spotlight who has some wicked pictures up... i looked at the ones from thailand and cambodia and it made me wish for that trip again. australia is cool for sure, and i know i'll have a blast whenever i finally get up the coast, but there's something so amazing about asia. i remember tubing down the river in laos and when it gets shallow, little kids run up and i think they want money but they are so freaking cute and this one little boy jumped on my tube and obviously he didn't speak english, but we kept picking up big chunks of seaweed and flinging them at jane and the little boy on her tube, and we were just laughing and laughing... it was such an experience. and this other time on the beach in the morning, i was with this long haired aussie guy who i had just decided was lame and there were people up cleaning up the beach from the night before, and one of the ladies had her daughter who was about 3, and she had a bag of peanuts and me and the little girl sat there throwing empty peanut shells into the dude's hair... we laughed so much and i taught her how to high-five. so cool to connect with a kid like that. it's experiences like that that will stay with me forever.
... am i a GIANT CHEESEBALL?! or am i a gigantic jerk for teaching these kids to throw stuff at people and then laugh about it? whatever.
i think my point is, i like places that are completely and totally different than north america. i keep getting mirandas emails from india and it makes me want to go there, altho i've never had any desire whatsoever to go there... i need to get a job where i make enough money to travel when i want, and maybe a job that i can go cool places and work. please job gods, lay somethin on me! sometimes i think i could just travel forever, but that is not NORMAL. to just never be home. like i have a LIFE at home, a garage full of furniture and great friends and my family, everyone who knows me... but i always wonder what else is out there. taigens friend is in africa right now. fucking awesome. on my list of things to do:)
i'm not exactly sure what i'm on about here, so i will go back to work.