Jun 05, 2006 11:08
When will this stupid bullshit end? If the truth were known I'm sure close to or well over a 1,000,000 people are dead because of the actons of 20 men. Yes on 9/11 we got hit, bad. But for the past five years we have been at war. Not truly one was but many and growing by the day. Afganistan was the only justifed invasion after 9/11. Now afganistan is flaring up once again and quickly turning into a new iraq which is going so well they are calling it vietnam 2. now im sure we will stick our troops into africa eventually to put down the "terrorist" threat there. which will no doubt piss of the other nations in africa and start a dirty little vietnam there too. Unless you conduct genocide on the arabs there is no way to surpress terrorism in the mille east. because the more you stir the situation up the more enemy combatants you create. I understand this, I know if some group killed my friends and family i dont care what they are fighting for im going to do my best to kill them too. Im sure anyone would its human nature. The only solution is to actually listen to the other side and make a comprimise. Stop listing them as "terrorists" and recognize them as a political and military power. I mean if they can stand againt the most powerful army in the world, they deserve to be recognized. but then again, I'm not after their oil...
Just goes to show you what a monkeys leadership can do to the world.