Bush's budget asking for the most money in history 2.77 TRILLION as in 2,770 BILLION dollars "stressing defense" however this is what he's terminating as a result. He's not saving anything hes wasting out money on bullshit!
budget cuts and killed programs (note he cut homeland security too wtf thats the one place if what he says IS in fact true should not be cut...
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20060209/ap_on_go_pr_wh/budget_program_cuts_glance;_ylt=AsOjg5tv4K9KhGKDzrUhFumMwfIE;_ylu=X3oDMTA4NGRzMjRtBHNlYwMxNjk5 his 2.77 trillion budget for 2007
http://www.nytimes.com/reuters/politics/politics-bush-budget.html (needs free id)
"President George W. Bush, who unveiled a $2.77 trillion budget for fiscal 2007 on Monday, said the government could save nearly $15 billion from the cuts."
why bother hurting all these people with budget cuts when its only saving 15 billion????
_ 2,770,000,000,000
- 0,015,000,000,000
_ 2,755,000,000,000 after cutting 141 mostly public aide programs