Oct 26, 2004 22:13
apparently whoever lives directly above me got in another fight. i don't know if their big deal is who's the tougher lesbian in the relationship or what. all i know is the short haired one is always walking around afterwards, and the other one is always getting put in the ambulance. my role? if i'm not dialing 911 every two weeks to get these fuckers to knock it off, then i'm gettin woken up in the middle of the night by thunderous stomping from above, possibly lesbian bodyslamming lesbian. i guess i'll go complain to the complex front office tomorrow...like that'll do anything. either that or i should shove a letter in the upstairs door telling them to just break up. ugly fat mexican lesbian sex can't be that good.
even as i selfishly rant on this topic, i wonder about all the other abusive relationships there are. fortunately, i didn't grow up ever knowing abusiveness, and i really never knew anyone who had witnessed it firsthand or had been a part of it until recently. even though i don't know the details of what goes on in an abusive relationship (i'm sure i could guess some of the obvious circumstances), it's really kind of sad that humans, as complex as we can be, just can't figure out how to just walk/run away from these things, or be able to control ourselves from acting out in violence.
all i know is this: the day the thumping upstairs stops, the day the ambulances cease to show up every two weeks in the evening, that'll be the day someone makes the right call to get the fuck out of dodge. or someone will be killed. either one.
really...i had some other stuff to say, but none of it is important now. fuggit.