Aight, well my CoV exploits are finding a happy medium with my RL life (three weeks, that's a record) actually the reason for that is simply I'm refining my playing down to a few characters as primary and a few as secondary, and a few as log in and see what dies. And just for my archieving purposes, I'm going to list my characters here,
lvl 12 Stalker: JDangerously
lvl 22 MasterMind: Professor Mouse
lvl 8 Brute: Armada of Fire
lvl 11 Dominator: Koldabra
lvl 15 Corruptor: Exploding Microwave
lvl 5 MasterMind: Sneaky Knife
lvl 6 Dominator: 42 Incarnate
lvl 8 Mastermind: Jdangerously
lvl 2 Stalker: Glaive X
lvl 12 Corrupter: Dire Merc
lvl 6 MasterMind: MasterZombie
lvl 2 Brute: a la Rock
ok, so 12, that's not that many, I definately like the MasterMind class most, but the Cors and Doms are fun too, don't really relate to the Stalkers and Brutes to much, only play them when my brain is numb, or needs to be. And they're spread out cuz I don't like playing on busy servers, so if one's too crowded, I'll just find another one. lol. Mouse is really kool looking, I'll have to get pictures, Dire Merc is definately the hotest, the whole reddish orange ponytail just does it for me. Anyways, I'm sure I'll pick two or three to really hammer down on, but I'm gonna keep playing them all for now.
There have been alot of questions about the RJO, games and what not, still planning on making Diablo the primary, thinking about char gen'n everyone a Nightmare lvl blank char and letting them assign all the abilities and such for that lvl, that way if someone else comes in during the game, they'll be at the right lvl.... just naked. what do ya'll think, that will greatly improve our chances to get to hell.
Secondly, my finances aren't as strong this year as they were last year, so we may have to kinda chip in on food and drinks and such. But no money will be required, we'll all just do what we can. Sleeping situation, same as last year, air matresses and blankets, but it's colder now, so space heaters, warm blankets, highly recomended. Our house can be used for overflow, if space runs tight, or if the thought of sleeping on the floor is to unappealing to someone (or if it's just too friggin cold [which I have a hard time imgaining, with 15 computers running]). I have 5, maybe 6 computers ready to play, and my never ending supply of monitors, so just bring CPUs and yous.
ok, between the last paragraph and this one I went to Douglas and installed 5 computers, so now i'm tired... I know, didn't even miss me, did ya, well I'm gonna go look up some Chuck Norris humor, my latest addiction, I'll try to post some later.