What would you do if I sang out of tune
Would you stand up and walk out on me.
aight, welcome back to the internet. Not you, me. You've been here.
herm... hmmmm... rrrrr...ummm... oh yeah, highschool. lets see, I was a Sophomore and a Junior this year. lol, aight, let me paint you a picture. I was 5' nothin, 103 pounds, I was wearing jeans.... yes, all year, 75-80% chance I was wearing a white t-shirt with something funny on it, I was carrying a black backpack with 80 pounds of books in it, Yes, I carried every one of my highschool books with me my freshman and sophomore years, I didn't start using my locker till the end of the year. aight.. OOHH, I'm wearing gold rimmed glasses that are | | that thick.
I get contacts in August... this is significant. after I got out of my glasses and realized that I was no longer completely vulnerable to any stray hand which would put me back in the world of fuzzy. I started to come out of my shell, but that wasn't really until 98, right now there's nothing there but potential.
ok, now inside my backpack, aside from my school books there is undoubtedly at least one issue of popular mechanics, at least 3 assorted computer gaming magazines, and some sort of manual/pamphlet/guide or other instructional paperwork on making explosives. Not that I was discontent or anything, I just enjoyed chemistry, fire, and knowing I could blow someone up if I chose.
I got my first computer the year before, so I'm learning alot on ye olde compy. I still have not sent an email. My goal this year was to visit every page on the internet. Which might have still been possible at this point despite what "tech-savy yuppies" will tell you today in retrospect. I play my first real computer games this year. Command and Conquer and Warcraft II, it pretty much goes downhill from there. We're having LAN games of Marathon 2 in gifted class, I discover my penchant for fps, and by the end of the year, I'm able to take on two or three man teams by myself.
Got my driver's license, and consequently my first ticket thanks to Marcy's Playground, and my girlfriend's shifting skirt. I have a 92 Toyota pickup. It's red, 5-speed, pretty beat up, but it's mines. Drove over a hundred miles an hour for the first time, oh, and broke a speed limit by 16x 80 in a 5. Lemme see,
Started in yearbook staff, karate, competitive rifle, and started dabbling with a camera.
Started shooting with Jason, and hanging out a lot. Got my 10/22, my AMT, and my Mossberg 500.
Had a crush on a girl. Don't know why.
Senior!!! woooo!!!! and then a freshman again. Booooo.... This was a bumpy year to say the least. let's visit teh highlights. Having sex. Alot of sex. A whoooole lot of sex.
Made some great friends. (only keep a couple of them) Me and Jason are like the two horsemen of the pocy clips, always getting into trouble together. Stole alot of things.
Had a crush on a couple of girls... Know why.
Aight, let me paint you another picture, I actually gain about 30 pounds this year and probably 4 inches, so I'm still a skinny lil thing, but I'm getting there. My hair is down to my shoulders, in a somewhat enhanced mullet, and I have this ratty mustache off and on. I'm still wearing loose fitting jeans most every day, occasionally intermixed with cargo pants, shorts, and whatnot. but I've advanced to wearing button up shirts, dress shirts, and the occasional tank top. Since I no longer require glasses (and haven't worn them since I put in my first pair of contacts), I wear sunglasses everywhere I go. I wear my gold rope everyday and haven't taken it off in two years.
Destroyed my Toyota the year before, but have since bought a '98 Nissan Frontier. Much wild driving ensues. Despite its size it seems to be built just to have sex in. Oh, lost my virginity in it the year before, woooo. What a waste. And in retrospect... oh my gawd, so many women who would have been far better... sigh... never mind.
The riffle team was disbanded but I'm on a skeet team now. Got my first .45
Working at Kmart at the beginning of the year. NAS Jax over summer, college in the fall.
Had my big falling down day with Jennifer. Nothing was right agian for a couple years.
College. big, impressive, not fun. I should have been out having fun, but I had a hole in my chest, no fun was to be had this semester.
I stayed in my room most of my freshman year. Drank when I could. Made friends all over the world through the magic of ICQ. I took a ridiculous load of classes, thanks to an advisor who didn't give a shit whether I had the right classes or lit myself on fire. including Honors Chem I, Calc I, Principles of Programming I (which is actually the third programming class and has a pre-req of knowing at least one whole language, of which I knew nothing), and two other classes, for a grand total of 18 fucking hours.
I spend most of my time playing PS2, primarily Dynasty Warriors 2, Dead or Alive, and Armored Core 2.
The first half of the year was the last half of my year long sabbatical, I suppose is as good a word as any from college, socialization, and life. I spent it working 80+ hour weeks in Savannah as an equipment operator. by the time I started college back I'd made almost 50k. But far FAR more important than that, I have become the kind of person I wanted to be. I became the person you all know, and for the first time since the fiasco with Jenifer i was happy.
Met Todd and Ryan, and a whole mess of other people, so began the time period best labeled simply as 303.
Played Halo for the first time!! and Xbox!!
When I have sex the Saturday before fall semester began, the night I moved into 303 it has now been almost one whole year since I've gotten any. (Both by choice and necessity, don't let anyone underestimate the psychologically reconfigurative power of celibacy, it is one hell of an effective way to change your personality) didn't get a whole lot this year after that. I make up for it the next two years.
Taking a much more liberal class load. I begin to realize what college is really all about, the friends, the fun, the parties, the late nights, the hangovers, the long rides... I love again, I love everything. I love my life, I love my new friends (cuz I didn't have many old ones left, besides Emily who never left and I doubt ever will), I love my apartment (which even to this day I remember as the most friendly and comfortable environment on the planet), I just love it all.
Aight, now let me paint you a picture, and most of you might recognize this one. I now weigh 160 pounds, I'm 5'9", I have no fat at all, I'm tan (even though I have a tan line running across my chest from the bulldozer cab), I have very short hair, I'm clean shaven, I wear steel toed work boots everywhere I go, nice fitting jeans, tight carhart shirts, or button up work shirts, i have a hard hat with an eagle on it, most all of my wardrobe is made by Carhart, I'm still wearing sunglasses everywhere I go, but now I've advanced beyond those shitty plastic ones I wore as a freshman to nice metal framed glasses, I occasionally where my seeing glasses, I wear my rope still, but now I take it off sometimes. It's not as important to me. But most importantly, I don't really talk unless I have something I think is worth saying. Todd and Ryan got that fixed right quick.
I read... alot. I've read almost everything Tom Clancy wrote, a quarter of King's stuff, and oodles and oodles of others.
I paid off my credit card and bought myself a $500 watch to commiserate that fact. I was pretty loaded (which tends to happen when you leave for work at 4 am and get home at 8 pm) for my dad's birthday I bought him a Desert Eagle, for my mom's a diamond bracelet. I'm driving Pepe, my 98 Nissan frontier still.
And the rest is history, most of you probably are starting to get to know me at this point or in the next year and a half, not much changed from there to graduation. Good times, good fucking times.
and that.... is all I've got to say about that.