Aug 22, 2006 10:34
Fell asleep at work yesterday, so I took off a lil early at 4:20 and went home to bed. Never did get back to sleep, but the rest was nice. Having problems pricing this software. It's so damn involved, the pricing dynamics are almost unchartible. We're pretty much gonna wing it case by case.
Thanx whoever bought the diet cherry coke, not much for diet drinks, but these are pretty good.
gotta build a "server" next week, and I say that loosely because by "server" most of our clients mean they want a workstation with a bigger shinier case with more buttons running off a standard OS.
You know it occurs to me, no, not really, I just wanted to write, "You know it occurs to me". Makes me feel smart.
Might have to expand later, time to make the doughnuts... pay the bills.
Wow, just to illustrate how much better Ronnie is at this than I am, since T left and Ronnie came back, Of this years' total income, I've collected 25% of it in the last three weeks. Yeah, that's right, he makes more in three weeks than I make in three months. just wow.