Apr 29, 2004 13:57
*I could write you a song, send you a note, or empty out your trash and buy a bucket full of diamonds but
even the most beautiful of all roses must someday crumble to dust and fade away.
It's a certain tragedy.
So it's on into the lonely nights and all the rest of it.
The empty space between me and the sunken walls and feeling someone's hand around my neck
choking away the life that i have left.
And I can finally see that the further I go I'm only treading ground that I don't wanna know.
I'll probably hang upside-down from wooden rafters in my home and look at old photos of you.*
~Saves the Day
This week well it has sucked since Tuesday.It was a bad day since the morning, first I triggered the alarm by accident in my house and it went off while I was pulling out of my driveway so I had to run back in the house turn off the alarm and wait for the company to call so they didn't call the police. Thankfully I got the phone in time, no cops and no fine..this time unlike last week when my sister set off the alarm we got a 80 dollar fine!!!So then I went to school which was all friggin day 9:50-6 and class was alright except Diana abandoned me in Bio..she had a dr.'s appt..then I got home and discovered some shocking news that consisted of whalette bringing my whale to her formal I fuckin hate her he is supposed to love me not her!!!!!SO Tuesdy night I watched One Tree Hill (I love Nathan and Lucas..Lucas more..and i idolize Brooke hehe) and then I watched Real World (I love Brad) and then I cried myself to sleep and woke up with a massive headache yesterday morning and then I had to go on that stupid ecological field trip for bio w/ a splitting headache.I guess the field trip wasnt that bad..ok it sucked my shoes got trashed it was cold and it smelled but at least that boy I like is in my lab and I got to walk with him for a bit. After that I had to clean off in the DCC before presenting myself to my macro class..yea gross..I guess it's not that bad..the real bummer came last night when I found out my whale is taking whalette to his formal tonite!!!!!!!!Yes I was overly depressed because it's one thing to go to her formal b/c he feels badd and she doesn't have a date yadda yadda yadda but hes taking her to his NOOOOOOOOOOO because it means he's either a) desperate or b) really likes her..needless to say last nite I drank mself and cried myself to sleep..you can guess how great I feel about now..I woke up this mornng feeling like shit but i had to go to my 11:30 b/c its a review for my final and Anthony whaked my foot by accident and my sandal cut my foot and it really hurts..ok well now im in the DCC waiting for Diana to get out of class..ok this was a huge summary/babble/bitching of the past few days..ok hopefully tonite will be better..ok prob not..ok g-bye
xoxo Danielle <3<3
*I won't ever ask if you don't ever tell me I know you well enough to know you never loved me*