less stuff

Aug 24, 2004 00:54

sooo.....long time none of this.
Amy and I broke up. Personal reasons =\.
I quit my job at ShoeStation.
I got a job at Nezaty's in the mall.
I started school.

My half sister came down and brought her family with her about a week ago. We all love these visits. I was at my house that weekend for a total of about 1 hour to take a shower. Now she wants to come back for Labor Day weekend. This means I have to give up my room and clean it again. What are they thinking. I swear, I'm going to start charging rent. 20 clams a night. 50 clams deposit.

In other news, John feels pretty good today. Despite all the inner controversy and struggle and confusion and whatnot, I keep my head up. My wonderful friends such as Zeb and Scott help me out by making me laugh and/or irritating me. Great news tonight, I feel like I win already. School sucks.
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