Sep 22, 2010 14:21
I'm going to need a new car soon. Apparently at some point in the past week or two someone damaged my car.
Where the front bumper attatches to the body has been riped out in such a way that it can't be put back in and the plastic casing for the lights has been smashed. The plastic casing I'm sure can be replaced however the bumper means the car will be unlikely to pass its warrant. I have tied it in place in the mean time however its not really worth fixing. A shame considering I just got the brakes replaced.
I'm thinking about getting a van when the warrant runs out in January. The bumper is very well attatched (I lashed it to the main body myself) however I'm pretty sure it is not a legal way of doing things.
Good thing its summer and I can bike everywhere.
We are not amused