Oct 06, 2004 15:18
i cant stand people! like...im so used to being open minded and liking everyone for who they are..and all the BULLSHIT!! but to tell you the truth..most of the people i know..i dont like who they are...cuz all they do is talk about..or think about..or care about themselves. like...i know others that are like that...but also care and listen to their friends...but good god man..THERE ARE THOSE PEOPLE.... I.E. most of Pentucket,....that are so self absorbed that they cant see a friend in need RIGHT infront of their FUCKIN FACE!!! i dont want to be nice to everyone anymore..and that makes me mad..cuz thats who i am..so i know im always gonna be that way...i cant help it..damn conciousness...but i wish i wasnt this way!!!! cuz i would then just be like almost everyone else in this fuckin place and only care about MYSELF!! but i guess ill just have to deal..and care about others...good god man!!
anyways...now that i have that off my chest...
i hung out with dill and jeff and rick yesterday...
it was just me and jeff for a while..he came to pick me up at my house..and we hung..waiting and waiting and waiting for dill...haha till FINALLY he came with rick...we drove around...umm went to the haverhill house of pizza then...went to dills house...Jeff talked about how he wanted to bang dills sister all night..haha it was funny..they started beeting eachother up..it was awesome..then me and jeff got in a pillow fight..pff..i owned!
i got a little somethinsomethin at the end of the night..it was cute :)