Title: Surfacing Desires
Author: Sid
Summary: Naked mining. Yes, it's a Beneath The Surface episode-related fic! Jonah's dream changes Jack's life, and Daniel's too, of course.
Word Count: 2,600
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I do not own these characters. I only play with them from time to time.
Written For:
karmageddonPrompt: Two (2) Requirements:
1) Daniel's body changes A LOT over the series. I would love to see a fic where this is part of a power exchange relationship for them.
2) The more kinky sweaty post-workout sex the better
Notes: I am terribly sorry that this is so late, but I'm grateful to my muse for (belatedly) coming through for me. I want to thank everyone who offered encouragement when I was struggling to find my way. Special thanks to Beth for some brainstorming that helped me view different approaches, when my brain had locked in on something that just wouldn't work. And a final, enigmatic thank you to Route 66 and Serendipity.
Story on LJ /
Story on DW /
Story at AO3