Just One of Those Days

Nov 03, 2013 08:34

Title:Just One of Those Days
Summary:When all that's left are the odd system lord and the Lucian Alliance, there's time to make new discoveries. Post - Continuum, but not canon intensive. First time.
Word Count: 4913
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: If I owned it, I wouldn't have to sneak my writing in on my lunch hour. No infringement intended
Written For:JDjunkie
Prompt:1. Jack and Daniel stranded offworld & 2. first time. Optional Request: sex in the rain
Restriction #1: no unhappy ending & Restriction #2: no character bashing
Notes:My many thanks to ivorygates, without her, they'd be doing things in their boots that probably would have been uncomfortable. I also can't thank her enough for stepping up in the 13th hour to give me not only a hand, but a fantastic military beta.

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author:justhuman, season:future, ficathon_x, writtenfor:jd_junkie, rating:nc-17, genre:first_time

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