Two Week Reminder!

Oct 08, 2012 16:08

This is your friendly reminder that stories are due Monday 22 October, which is just two weeks away. Make sure you're a member of the community; it's the only way you'll be able to post.

A few notes about posting:

If you're going to be late, let me know. If you need an extension, let me know. If you need to drop out (RL happens to all of us, I understand), let me know sooner rather than later. I am proud to say that everyone got a story last year and that is going to happen again this year, even if I have to write every pinch hit myself. But, it'll make my life (and those of the pinch hitters) much easier if I have a bit of warning.

Naturally, extensions will be available. I'd rather give you an extension that you don't need than have you be late. That being said, if you ask me at 11:59p on the 22nd, I will not look kindly upon you. (Oh and yeah, I'm a West Coast gal now, so we're on Pacific Time.)

Second, moderated posting will be turned on, so post early if you need to. But, this is reserved for RL getting in the way of posting on the actually deadline. If at all possible, post on the 22nd, no earlier. If you receive an extension, still try to post ASAP.

Also, remember: keep the secret of who you're writing for. Don't post outside the comm earlier than the 22nd. Don't tell anyone who you're writing for except possibly your beta. I really want to be able to make the big reveal all at once on the 22nd.

Last, the posting format:

Subject Line: Fic: Story Title

Word Count:
Written For:

Please use MPAA ratings for consistency. Use your judgment on how your story should be rated.

Stories should be tagged by author, writee, genre, rating, and season. Use the tags provided. If the tag you need isn't there, drop me a note and I'll make it for you.

So, my story from a few years ago would have looked something like this:

Subject Line: Fic: Misunderstanding
Tags: author:melayneseahawk, writee:faerie_mistress, genre:action/adventure, genre:romance, rating:nc-17, season:any

Title: Misunderstanding
Author: melayneseahawk
Summary: You're a much better damsel in distress than Carter. I guess it's because you have more practice.
Word Count: 3193 words
Rating: NC-17 (graphic m/m sex)
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Written For: faerie_mistress
Prompt: Requirements: Action/ adventure, the rest of the team should be involved in the plot line to some degree; Optional Request: Higher end rating (MA15+ or higher please), angst; Restrictions: No AU/ really OOC main characters, Neither Jack or Daniel should die (although Ascension doesn't really count as dying). Also, aliens did NOT make them do it.
Notes: Many, many thanks to greensilver for the extension, and to starkravingsane, brainofck, and theemdash for the beta-reading, for without them this fic would ne'er have seen the light of day.

(Misunderstanding | NC-17 | 3193 words | complete)

Feel free to post somewhere else and link to it, like I did here, but remember not to post early outside the comm.

I suggest you get a beta, if only to check for typos. If you don't have a beta pool of your own, a beta post will be up with instructions on Wednesday.

As always, feel free to e-mail melayneseahawk at melayneseahawk[at]gmail[dot]com with any questions, comments, concerns, etc.

ficathon_ix, admin

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