Fic: It's Good to Be General

Oct 10, 2011 19:23

Title: It's Good to Be General
Author: green_grrl
Summary: As leader of the SGC, Jack doesn't get offworld often enough, but this mission he's sure as hell taking.
Word Count: 3,531
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not my characters, just playing with them.
Written For: theemdash
Two (2) Requirements:
1. First time
2. Mission in progress
Optional Request: awkward or angry if feelings are expressed (angst ok)
Restriction #1: no partner betrayal
Restriction #2: no pre-s4

Notes: Late season 8. References to Seth, The Curse, Icon, Covenant, Sacrifices, Endgame, Prometheus Unbound, It's Good to be King, and Atlantis: Rising.

on Dreamwidth
on Livejournal

ficathon_viii, author:green_grrl, genre:humor, writtenfor:theemdash, season:8, rating:pg, genre:first_time

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