title The Next Best Thing to Playing and Winning
author Redd
written for
melayneseahawkrating NC-17
spoilers takes place immediately after the very end of "Moebius"
summary There's fish in Jack's pond, he's taking a job in Washington, and everything else is going pear-shaped.
disclaimer MGM own them.
note thanks to my betas (Rae, Meg, & Nattie), any mistakes still in this story are all on me. I tried to fit in the optional request, but the muses wouldn't cooperate. I hope you enjoy the rest, though.
Two (2) Requirements:
1. NC-17 with bottom!Jack
2. A secret revealed
Optional Request: post-series
Restriction #1: no AMTDI
Restriction #2: no character bashing
every single person has at least one secret that would break your heart)