Just Trust Me

Oct 25, 2009 18:29

Title: Just Trust Me
Author: tresa_cho
Summary: Daniel is essentially a prisoner. Jack has a plan.
Word Count: 2,908
Rating: PG-13; language
Disclaimer: don't own, if did own, would be making lots of money
Written For: skies_0f_blue

Two (2) Requirements:
1. descended!Daniel does not regain memories but retains essential Danielness
2. Daniel-driven first time
Optional Request: plot, not just porn
Restriction #1: sad!fic
Restriction #2: character-bashing

Notes: Hope this is sort of what you wanted. Sorry it's so late!

They had found him. They had found him and they had brought him home. They had found him, brought him home, and Jack had watched for six agonizing months as Daniel struggled with the amnesia. Daniel wasn’t allowed to leave the base. He was a liability. Despite no evidence that he was ever getting his memories back, there was still the chance. Hammond couldn’t let him go. And without his extensive knowledge of linguistics and archeological sites and mythology… he couldn’t be used in the field either.

He was essentially a prisoner in the base. Much like Teal’c had been when he had first come to Earth.

Jack stood in front of Daniel’s office where they had supplied him with books and books of the things he used to research. He had started over, from the very beginning. Anthropology 101. His bright mind soaked up the knowledge, but Jack could tell he was getting frustrated. He stared at the baleful grey door, wondering how he would approach this subject. Even without his memories, Daniel was a stickler for the rules.

A resounding crash from inside the office broke the silence. “Daniel!” Jack called sharply, hand on the knob and twisting. He got no response, so he shouldered the door open and entered the room quickly. “Daniel!”

Daniel was face down on the desk, head wrapped in his arms. Everything that had been on his desk that morning when Jack brought him a breakfast sandwich was now on the floor, including his laptop. Dang. There went two grand.

Jack strode into the room and crouched beside Daniel. “Hey.” He placed a hand on Daniel’s shoulder.

“I can’t do it, Jack,” Daniel mumbled into his arms. Jack squeezed Daniel’s shoulder.

“You don’t have to. Come on. We’re getting out of here.” Jack gripped Daniel’s bicep and hauled him up despite the man’s protests. “No ‘buts’, Daniel. Just shut up and let me handle everything.” Jack dragged him to the elevator and they stood side by side, silently for 23 floors. Jack was rehearsing what he would say to the airman at the gate. The tarp in the back of his truck would suffice to cover Daniel until they were on the road…

“Goin’ for a walk,” Jack said shortly as they approached the entrance to the complex. The airman snapped to attention and held the clipboard for Jack to sign out. Jack signed, pushing back the feeling that he was signing his freedom away on that piece of paper. “Let’s go, Danny boy!” he said cheerfully, sweeping his arm out to let Daniel out first. Daniel gave him a look but walked out into the Colorado sunshine.

Jack followed. As soon as they hit the wooded area inside the fence, Jack forced Daniel to a crouch. “Follow me. And do it quietly. I know how hard that is for you,” Jack said. Daniel frowned at him but said nothing, thankfully. Jack led the way to his truck and shoved Daniel in the cab. “Get on the floor,” Jack ordered.


“Just do it. We’re going on a trip.”

“Jack, what? Are you sneaking me out?”

“Shut up Daniel. Just get on your knees. Put this over your head.”

“Ew, Jack, what is this?”

“It’s my fishing tarp. Do you want out or not?” Jack stared at Daniel, watching those blue, blue eyes narrow and then roll in exasperation. He crouched on the floor of the cab and Jack draped the tarp over him.

“It smells, Jack,” Daniel grumbled under the plastic. Jack slapped his shoulder lightly.

“Tarps don’t talk,” Jack pointed out. Daniel shifted and said nothing. Jack steeled his shaking arms and drove to the compound’s gate. “Greetings. We come in peace,” he said cheerfully.


“You know, if I were possessed by an alien. ‘Take me to your leader’ and all that?”

“Right sir. What’s under the tarp?”

“Fishing pole! You boys wanna come along?” Jack grinned easily. The airman laughed.

“No thank you, sir. Have a good trip.” The young man saluted and stepped back from the truck. Jack pulled through waving and pulled onto the main road without being stopped again. As soon as he was sure he was through surveillance, he flipped the tarp up and Daniel shimmied into the chair gratefully. “Buckle up, cowboy,” Jack chuckled. Daniel clicked his seatbelt and leaned back in the chair. He rolled the window down and closed his eyes, letting the fresh spring breeze slip over his skin. Jack would have been staring if he hadn’t been driving.

The first stop on his agenda was the Museum of Natural History. He and Daniel hopped out of the truck and approached the desk. Daniel was already off in Historical LaLa Land, but Jack kept a firm grip on his sleeve as he spoke with the desk clerk. “Is Rachelle in?” he asked. The clerk nodded and leaned over to breathe into the PA system.

A few moments later, an old woman with kind eyes and a silvered bun of hair stepped over to them. “Why Daniel! Goodness, it’s been forever since I’ve seen you, dear! How have you been?” She moved to hug Daniel. He accepted the motion a bit awkwardly, and Jack nonchalantly came to his rescue.

“He’s been really busy, actually. I’ve been working him to the bone the past few months. You can punish me later. I’ll mop the floors for a year, I promise. Right now, though, did you get anything new in?” Jack plastered his Most Charming Grin on and Rachelle’s smile widened.

“For you, anything! Come with me!” She whirled and started off in the direction of one of the doors marked Employees Only. Jack confidently followed her through the doors and into the inner sanctum of the museum. Daniel’s eyes nearly bugged out of his sockets. Artifacts in various stages of processing were lying scattered about in organized chaos on six tables in the lab. Walls and cabinets were full of bits and pieces of pre-recorded history.

Daniel immediately made a beeline for the tables. Jack and Rachelle chuckled and followed more slowly. Daniel was slipping on gloves to handle the artifacts. It appeared he had already retreated into his Archeologist Coma; he didn’t even notice Jack and Rachelle standing beside him.

“I’ll make sure he doesn’t break anything,” Jack said. Rachelle smiled and patted his shoulder.

“Call me when you’re done. Perhaps we can do lunch.”

“I hate to cut and run, but we’re on a bit of a schedule. I just wanted him to come here to relax a bit after working so hard all that time,” Jack said, grimacing. Rachelle nodded.

“I understand. Take your time. He does look a bit more tense than usual, doesn’t he? Take care of him, Jack. Who else is going to correct Bernardo on his translations of Navajo?” Rachelle smiled and left them alone.

Jack sidled up beside Daniel and watched the former archeologist/linguist/anthropologist extraordinaire handle the artifacts with the care of a new mother holding her baby.

“Good stuff?” Jack asked quietly.

“Yea, yea. I can’t remember… everything about it but these were ceremonial beads given out to one’s mate or mates. There’s a lot of history here.” He put the beads down on the table and moved on to the next one. Jack wandered back to the door and sat on the floor, waiting for Daniel to unwind in the presence of his passion.

Nearly an hour later, Daniel meandered to Jack and sat down beside him, stripping of the gloves. He leaned his head against the wall and sighed. “Thanks, Jack,” he said quietly, glancing at Jack sideways. “I needed that.”

“We used to come here a lot when you needed to relax. It helped to get a different perspective on things rather than beat your head against a problem for hours. I figured it would remind you why you did what you did. That it would help motivate you to keep learning. Not to give up.” Jack returned his glance with a smirk. “Come on, there’s more stops along this tour.”

Jack stood and held down his hand. Daniel took it and was hauled to his feet. He grinned that raw, happy grin that quickened Jack’s heart, and they headed back to the truck.

By the time dusk was setting in, Daniel was exhausted. Jack had driven all around the area; the library, the local diner, one of their old coffee haunts… Jack could tell Daniel didn’t remember anything, but the mere atmosphere of the places was enough to make him feel comfortable and secure. Jack pulled into a motel lot and disappeared into the office for a moment. He came back out with keys to a room. Daniel cocked an eyebrow but followed Jack into their hotel room.

“Are we staying the night here?” he asked as the door shut behind them. “I feel like I’m on the run. Jack, when are we going back to the mountain?”

Jack dropped his duffel on the bed and met Daniel’s eyes evenly. “I know this guy, Daniel. He won’t ask any questions and he can get you away,” Jack started. Daniel frowned in confusion.

“What are you saying?”

“It’s like witness protection. Except… less official. He can change your identity and wipe Daniel Jackson off the face of the earth. Nobody will be able to find you if you follow his instructions. You could go do whatever you wanted to do, and you wouldn’t be stuck in the mountain for the rest of your life.” Jack took a step towards Daniel. “I’m offering you an out, Daniel.”

“But Jack… Everyone knows you signed me out today. They’ll know you helped me get away. You’ll lose your job.” Daniel’s eyes were slightly wide in the dim light of the old lamp on the nightstand.

“You have no idea,” Jack chuckled dryly. Losing his job was the least of his worries. Being tried for treason… Leaking of government secrets… That was more what he was worried about.

“I can’t, Jack,” Daniel protested weakly. Jack strode up to the man and placed both hands on his shoulders. Daniel stared right back at him, face set in determination. “No, Jack,” he said before Jack could open his mouth. “I appreciate what you did for me today. You’re going to get into trouble for it, I know that. But I will not be the reason you are dishonorably discharged, Jack.”

“Daniel, I don’t think you quite grasp this. You are going to be in the mountain for the rest of your life. And it will be years before you can go out on another mission. Years. I know you’re stubborn but dammit, Daniel. Nobody has that kind of patience.”

“Jack, you’re throwing away your career,” Daniel replied quietly.

“Daniel, you’re throwing away your life,” Jack shot back. “Or am I not making that clear enough to you? Look, his number is in my bag. He knew I’d be springing you today so he’s expecting your call. He’ll grab you from here and everything…”

Daniel reached between Jack’s arms and cupped his jaw. He carefully leaned close and brushed his lips over Jack’s. Jack pulled back and sat down hard on the bed. Daniel stood in front of him, eyes hard and determined. “Before the glowy octopus, did we ever…?” Daniel let the question trail.

“No, Daniel. We didn’t,” Jack answered, knowing instinctively what Daniel was worried about. Worried that Jack would see this Daniel as someone else, someone different than the old Daniel. Someone he wasn’t hopelessly in love with.

“Why?” Daniel asked, taking a step closer.

“You want just one reason?” Jack barked out a laugh. Daniel dropped to his knees between Jack’s legs and pressed his hands into the mattress on either side of Jack’s hips. “I did love you,” Jack said quietly.

“Did?” Daniel narrowed his eyes.

“Do,” Jack corrected. “You’re not different. Even without your memories, you’re still Daniel. Even if you don’t know who you are, you’ll find out. But not if you’re locked in that cave for the rest of your life. That’s no way to live, Daniel. Trust me.”

“You’ve taken good care of me since you brought me back,” Daniel said firmly. “I know you’ll keep doing it. Something in me knows, and I don’t think it’s the repressed memories. I trust you, Jack.” Daniel echoed the words back, without the hint of sarcasm Jack had in his voice. He arched up slowly and captured Jack’s lips with his own, pressing Jack backwards against the mattress. “Please tell me I haven’t been reading you wrong,” Daniel breathed over Jack’s lips. “Please tell me this is what you want.”

“Christ, Danny. If I wanted this any more I think the neighbors would be calling the police,” Jack mumbled. “Want was never an issue.”

“Then just shut up for right now,” Daniel said quickly, before Jack could start listing the many reasons why this wouldn’t work. “Just shut up and trust me back.” And Jack shut up. And Daniel worshipped his scarred skin with his mouth. And the sex was clumsy and fumbling, because Daniel didn’t know and Jack was out of practice, and it was wonderful. And Daniel ended up stretched across Jack’s chest in the end, where he didn’t mind Jack’s crushing grip holding him as if he’d disappear again.

When Jack woke the next morning, he was completely alone. He scrubbed his hands over his face and rolled over. No note, no nothing. Daniel was gone. Jack rolled over and pressed his face to the spot Daniel had slept the night. The sheets smelled of starch and detergent.

Jack got up, showered, and grabbed his stuff together. Surprisingly, there was no armed escort outside the motel waiting for him. Just his truck, looking as beat up as ever and ready for work. He hopped into it and decided he’d rather face his punishment now than later, and headed straight for the mountain.

The guards letting him pass through the gate should have been his first clue. He was confused, sure, but not enough to become suspicious. He parked, and got the typical Colonel treatment at the entrance to the elevators. Now his hackles were raised. Daniel was missing and they didn’t suspect him? Who had taken the fall then?

“Colonel O’Neill!” Hammond’s voice rang out sharply as he stepped off the elevator. Jack snapped to attention.

“Yes sir.”

“The next time you decide to go traipsing about with government property, make sure you tell me first! I do not need to be invited to every birthday party or movie opening, but I do need to know where you are taking certain personnel who are under the protection of this facility!” Hammond’s cheeks were tinged a bit red.

“Uh, yessir.” Jack bit back his confusion. He saw Teal’c and Carter wander around the corner.

“Why do I keep thinking I’m in charge of this operation? Dismissed.” Hammond walked away as Carter and Teal’c approached.

“Sir, that cake you ordered yesterday was wonderful. Where did you buy it?” Carter nudged a shoulder into Jack’s arm and Teal’c wedged in on the other side. Together they steered Jack down the hall and towards a familiar office.

“Uh. SmartMart?” Jack answered, by this point thoroughly confused. Carter and Teal’c stopped him at the door to Daniel’s research room. Teal’c opened the door and Daniel, sitting at his desk with head bent low over a tome, waved. Jack’s jaw dropped before he could get angry. Teal’c ‘gently’ ushered Jack into the room.

“You have five minutes, sir,” Carter hissed before the door shut. Five minutes for her to mess with the security cameras and video feeds. Five minutes of privacy.

“What are you doing here!?” Jack hissed. Video might be off, but sound could still carry down the hall.

“Don’t get angry,” Daniel started, standing. Jack stormed to the desk.

“Too late! I gave you an out! Why the hell would you come back here!?”

“You’re here, Jack,” Daniel ground out. “You’re here. Doesn’t that mean anything?” He slammed the book on his desk shut. “I know it’s hard to believe but I actually love you back. I’d never see you again if I went into hiding.” He took a few breaths, calming himself, and closed his eyes. “Sam and Teal’c managed to coordinate a cover story with Janet. We were all at a party last night. Teal’c had to drive us all home.”

“Bullshit. I would never let Teal’c drive my truck,” Jack joked weakly. Daniel glared hard, silencing him.

“And if you ever try to get rid of me like that again, without even so much as a good-bye…” Daniel’s voice shook and broke. Jack was across the room in under a second, wrapping Daniel in his arms.

“No, Danny. No,” he whispered fiercely. “I just want you happy. I don’t want you to leave.” Jack was aware they were at T-minus 60 seconds. Daniel buried himself in the embrace, clutching Jack’s arms and shoulders hard, before disentangling himself and stepping back.

“You’re going to have to make it up to me,” Daniel said. “Possibly arrange my books alphabetically.”

“You want me touching your books?” Jack asked incredulously. Daniel narrowed his eyes.

“Is there a reason I shouldn’t be?” he retorted. Jack carefully kept his face neutral as his inner prankster exploded with joy.

“None, Danny-boy, none at all.”

writtenfor:skies_0f_blue, ficathon_vi, rating:pg-13, author:tresa_cho, genre:au, season:7

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