Would you sell your body on the street 100,000 times?

Jan 24, 2006 00:18

ok, so lets recap.
a) i havent posted in forever, sorry. well, Im not sorry. scratch that.
b) City of Angels was an awesome play, an awesome theater experience. the music was just amazing and the color scheme and tech was c-c-c-razy. im jealous. give us your equipment, please....
so I hapened to see someone I thought was my good buddy Marshall Knight, I called his name, it wasnt him. I then called Rachel who gave me his number and then 15 minutes later the real Marshall Knight (because the fake one had already left) appeared on the scene.
so Marshall, play production, some Thespians, and myself all saw a great show. that was very funny and full of more sexual inuendos than the improv game "if you know what I mean" if you know what i mean....
oh, and did I meantion that on the the way home, my car decided to die. twice.
first we stopped at a gas station off the freeway @ shoup. I refilled oil and coolant and got it in good enough shape to take Nick and Ashley home (sp?) then as we're going up the hill at Valley Circle and Highlander, with Laura and Chasen, my car dies again, right at the stop sign. oh goody. so Dana took Laura home and then Chasen's parents came, and with the help of another nice man, we got my car onto Highlander in Neutral where it now sits waiting to be towed tomorrow to the shop. dont bother, i took all the valuables there's nothing to steal.

so that was tonight. oh, and after the play my car went to Diddy Reise, which was scrupmtious
a grand monday if I do say so myself

now lets see if I can remember my weekend.
Friday: nope. oh yeah, cuz i was passed the fuck out. I had my wisdom teeth pulled early Friday morning.
came home, took pills, chugged 8 smoothies, played Xbox and watched TV. and didnt puff up to the dismay of many
Saturday: feeling much better and not as if I had surgery the day before, I went to STAR, Lunch adn Learn at the Rabbis, drove Laura and Marissa to a party in Valencia (read: butfuckville) and then went to Sabba's surprise party. it was bitchin. seriously, joseph was amazing (he was magician folks. no inuendo there)
Sunday: shopping day! yes, Jason went shopping. well Rachel went shopping, Jason complied.
it turned out for the best rather, because she has fashion sense. not better fashion sense, fahion sense at all, compared to my "ill just wear what i think is cool in my head, and most likely weird and 'interesting' style"
the day started as every Sunday does, with the correction of a horribly written 900 word article in what Hebrew High is attempting to pass off as a journalism class. there is a difference between making mistakes for example and killing me with what you've put on a page and tried to pass off as sentences. please. just pass the gun already.
after, we ditched the CIT meeting (shhhhh) to go to Old Navy with my gift card (which didnt make a dent) and i was able to upgrade my wardrobe, thanks to the stylings of the beautiful Ms. Kossman, to super snazzy. seriously, everyone liked my clothing today, i was impressed with myself. not cocky, i mean, i took a look at myself and went "huh? is that me? nah... oh wait...hey!"
then we went and saw Goodnight and Goodluck which is still playing at the Lamelle and is really well done, well written, well acted, and well-not going to get very many awards because hollywood likes action heros with tits and foreign accents apparently....
nice work Mr. Clooney and to all.
oh yeah, and i got yelled at by my dad, so we escaped to Target, blew him off for dinner, because honestly, who wants to get yelled at, call that person back, and then accept a dinner invitation? not me. so we went to my mom's house instead, rachel checked her e-mail, we exchanged pleasantries with my mother, then we went to dinner at Pomodoro which Rachel says she enjoyed, and i hope she wasnt saying that to please me, because i think it was at least tasty and affordable and nice. so thanks for placating me, In-N-Out next time, I swear, when I am more confidant in that my jaw has healed.

Sunday: minus the lecture by my father, which is sort of a father-son tradition now....
Sunday was a great day, yeah, its a bummer to only see her once a week, somethign that will change if I and the world leaders have anything to say about it....(second semester senior here I come) but it just makes the time spent together that much sweeter and let me tell you...Sunday was sweet :-P (close your eyes Timmy, you're too young) I could not be luckier to have a more beautiful and overall wonderfull girl in my life. i cannot thank you enough....

i love you

you stay classy San Diego.
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