-Celestial Maidens-
Aya Mikage is a fictional character from shoujo manga seires, Ayashi no Ceres. Her voice actress is Yumi Kakazu. Aya is a sixteen-year-old girl at the beginning of the story who discovers she is a descendant of a tennyo named Ceres. She can transform into Ceres, a beautiful blue-haired tennyo with strong mystical powers. She is very cheerful and cares for everyone around her. She became devastated when her family tries to kill her to stop Ceres from reappearing. Despite that, Aya never gave up and is determined to right the past doings of her family. She also fell in love with Toya, a mysterious young man who is immortal.
The thing I like about characters are their determined spirits. Aya is someone with a strong will and heart. She never gives up and struggles to keep on living. Her world has been turned upside-down by her own family, though she found it hard to believe, she was still willing to fight. Aya's brave spirit and kind-heart really made me a fan of hers. And I find her quite amusing sometimes. She is very cheerful and I love her!
Kareha is a character from Shuffle! She may be only a secondary character in the anime and visual novels, she is one of the main girls in the PS2 game of Shuffle! She is voiced by Yuri Hinata, and is designed by Hiro Suzuhira. Kareha is a beautiful god. She has a catchphrapse of saying "Maa! Maa! Maa!" whenever she sees something cute or romantic. She also has a younger sister named Tsubomi.
Why I like Kareha-sama? Well, she is cute, beautiful, elegant, and oh-so-sweet. Contrary to her looks, I find her personality quite pleasing. It's rather disappointing that a good character like her is not in the main cast in the Anime. But I still admire her as a true fan.