Title: Losing Control
Characters: Casey (16), other United Crew
Prompt: Beginings, 1
Word Count: 236
Rating: G..ish. I don't remember maybe PG.
Summary: The crew tries to escape but find that it's quite impossible.
Author's Notes: During United.
"Come on Frankie! We're gonna miss the plane!" Melly said, tugging upon his sleeve. He stayed put, staring out of the gianormous glass windows.
"I don't think that's going to matter," he replied, pointing to the sky where a large winter stormcloud was developing. It was June.
"Uh, oh." Melly gasped. "Where's Casey?"
The girl in question was a few yards ahead with Fash and Mia, Guido trailing shortly behind. Suddenly she stops dead in her tracks, as the other three continue on. Guido remarkably managed to avoid crashing into her.
"Casey? What's wrong?" He asked her. Her eyes were large, pupils dialated, and her jaw clenched. Guido snaps his fingers infront of her face. She doesn't budge.
The lights flicker as the wind started howling outside. A voice calls over the intercom that all flights have now been canceled due to quite unpredictable weather.
Melly and Frankie finally find Casey, startled at the look on her face.
"How long has she been like that?"
"I dunno, a few seconds, maybe thirty at the most. Fash! Come back here!"
"What? What's going on...oh."
She blinks. A tear runs down her face, she doesn't know exactly what happened, but she knows it will be big. An arm wraps around her and she lays her head on whoever's shoulder it may be, as more tears start flowing.
"T-thomas Pale," was all she said. All she needed to say.
Title: Flooding
Characters: Casey (16), other United Crew
Prompt: Middles, 2
Word Count: 385
Rating: G
Summary: Casey finds a way to entertain herself.
Author's Notes: During United
It had been a week so far, and the storm showed no signs of letting up. Everyone was trapped in the airport, all roads were blocked in every direction. The teens were getting bored, restless. They had a couple rooms in the hotel, so weren't sleeping on the floor.
They had to entertain themselves somehow. Melly took to the bookstore, Mia took to the boys. Guido was studying planes with the pilots, and Frankie was studying all the pets forced into cages for travel. Fash stayed mostly as Starbucks, and Casey couldn't stay anywhere. She knew the airport like the back of her hand, more than any of her friends knew.
It was her knowledge that intrigued her. She had to do something daring, something fun. And she knew just what it was.
There was a Kinkos in one of the wings. She made a sign and printed off a couple dozen, while the clerk wasn't watching. Then she went up to her room in the hotel and emptied her luggage bag, placing the flyers in a pocket, and dragging it behind her.
Her first step was the closest Ladies' Restroom; Casey waited to makesure no one was around, before walking in, taping a sign to the door and locking it. Once secure, she took all the rolls of toilet paper from the stalls, stuffing them in her bag and walking out. Once outside, she replaced the first sign with another: "Out of Supplies." Casey did the same in the men's restroom, over and over again until her luggage was full.
Enter Phase Two. Casey found the most used potty-room and loaded the sinks and bowls with the tissue, turned on the water and commenced to flush. Then she stealthily ran out as if she had nothing to do with it. The rest of her signs went on various doors, whether they be restroom or not.
Quiet as a Ninja, she took her empty bag back to the room, went to Starbucks to get a latte, and then went to find Melly.
With a smug look on her face, she sat down across from the younger girl, who looked up.
"What have you been up to?" Melly asked.
Right about then, a page for janatorial assistance rang out, and Casey's grin only got bigger.
Title: Pink
Characters: Casey (17), Megan (23)
Prompt: Green, 14
Word Count: 192
Rating: G
Summary: The day after Christmas presents some wonderful pressents.
Author's Notes: Casey went back home because her family was traveling to see the Grandparents. She had her powers binded, or something, so that she didn't destroy anything on accident.
It had been a fun night and chatter was dwindling down. Gramma and Grampa decided that it was about time to leave, so they passed off their gifts to Her. Then Casey passed her gifts and She passed a few to Casey. She unwrapped hers first, oohing at the candle and awwing at the 3-year old Graduation bear.
Then Casey started tearing at the red patterned paper. First was a jar, golden lid with green stuff in it. Pear scented body butter, it was. Next, another red wrapped cylyndrical item, only taller. A bottle of pear-scented body mist. The third she had trouble opening. She had wrapped it pretty tightly.
Casey was so excited to even be eating with Her, for the first time in probably ten years, the gifts didn't even matter. She ws, after all, Casey's sister. Nothing was stronger than a sisterly bond, even when they've never really memorably met.
The final gift had to be the best, and to this day the most useful.
A pair of pajama bottoms, "Pink" across the butt, a pink satin belt, and stars everywhere, contrasting imensely with the fabric's base color: Green.