Title: Everything is alright
Characters: Casey (17)
Prompt: Home, 90
Word Count: 180
Rating: G
Summary: The waves crash down.
Author's Notes: About a month after her arrival to The Nexus.
"I... close my eyes, and I smile, knowing that everything is alright..." she was belting out the words along witht he music. Blue October, one of Casey's favorite and most comforting bands.
It was nearing Christmas, and Casey had been gone for almost a full month.
"So what, so long, so sad, I wanna be strong. don't try to take this from me, I've already spent my life living half undone."
Out of no where, her world crashed. Tears flowed freely; she missed her family. The last thing she had said to them was about Tulane, how they were being tyrants because she couldn't go. The guilt had been tugging at her ever since, especially since the arrival at the Inn.
She missed her friends; they were always there when she needed them, and now they were no where to be found. Yeah, she now had Mel and Frank, but they weren't the same. They weren't worse or anything, but they weren't the same. They didn't know her like the others did.
Most of all she just missed her home.
[Credit] Lyrics from Blue October (Foiled) "18th Floor Balcony" and the secret song on the end of that track. (c)2006? Or 2005, I'm not sure.