Prompt 71

Nov 28, 2006 16:58

Title: He'll be gone in an instant
Characters: Casey (17, 18), Austin (18)
Prompt: Broken, 71
Word Count: 264
Rating: G
Summary: It's almost a Dear Johnny thing, only much worse.
Author's Notes: Before The Nexus but after The United. Austin is Casey's boyfriend for almost two years (since a little bit before TU). After the break, Casey's already in the Nexus.

"Casey? What's wrong, babe?" He looked into her eyes; tears were building up, preparing to fall. "Come on, tell me," he prompted.

"It' It's nothing." Casey said, turning her head away. She couldn't tell him. He was leaving, her Austin was leaving her behind.

"Honey, we're not gonna get past anything if you don't talk to me," Austin said, pulling her face back.

"It's just're leaving me! And...I don't know. It's stupid. Nevermind."

"What's stupid? Do you think I'm not coming back?" He looked into her eyes again as her lips start to quiver. "Look, of course I'm coming back, babe. If only for you; I promise." He kissed her ever o gently, making her smile at long last.
That was last September. It is now August of the next year, Casey has been in the Nexus, keeping busy mostly at the Inn, for eight months now. She gets monthly updates on her old home, checking in every once in a while. Everyone there just thinks that she is at college.

Her latest check has thusfar proved to be the most devastating.

She came back to the Inn, total and complete shock washed all over her.

After his training, Austin had been sent directly to Iraq. And all the comfort in the world couldn't soothe Casey's newly crushed heart.

Warm arms wrapped around her, a shoulder to cry on.


Mel just shushed her, rubbing her back. "I know. I know; it'll be ok."

Tears flooding. Everything went wrong. He was supposed to come back. Come back and everything would be ok.

OOC: And let us hope this never happens, hope that I don't seriously have to go through that with my Cowboy. (Who isn't really my boyfriend but boyfriend, best friend, same difference)

nexus 100

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