operation: touch it

Nov 23, 2005 15:04

nintendo fusion (x2) was awesome, as expected. my body is sore all over today, but it was worth it. waiting outside after the show for over an hour was also worth it.

"The Providence show was amazing." -a direct quote by Pete in the FOB journal, you can read it yourself. unfortunately that also meant being the largest audience they had ever played for & this depresses me. i think someone should start a "how to cope with your favorite band selling out" support group because i would defintely go.

Panic! at the Disco is truly amazing... so young, so talented...

me & lauren! oh wait, i mean patrick & pete!

i took a bunch of other pictures and maaaaad video, but a lot of it is really blurry & shaky because of the insane conditions. after the show...

sisters in front of the nintendo fusion bus!

it's dirty!

kenny from the starting line... his brother went to AU!!

the newest love of my life omg akhgdugruibewbgpyg !!! okay so this boy is 18 years old... we talked to him for awhile, it was great. AND HE TALKED TO LAUREN ON THE PHONE. & somehow i ended up with his sharpie, oops.

meeting brendon of panic!

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