Brand New Design

Jul 25, 2005 15:15

I re-designed the site and had it up on Saturday, and would like some thought sone it. What do you think?

I went with a simple design, removing a bunch of the stuff that would ussually clutter the right side. I just didn't like it there, it looked ugly, so I threw most of it away, made a slimmer more robust design. Also, to cut down on the clutter, and size of the page, you will notice, all the posts, except the first, on the front page are hidden. You can see them if you click on the Show/Hide button at the right, and then hide them again, by clicking the same button. The same goes for the archives.

Let me know what you like, don't like, anything that can be improved, all you have to do is leave a comment here on the site.
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