There are two things your not supposed to discus at the dinner table

Jun 08, 2006 07:33

Politics and

I think humanity needs to start thinking for itself, and stop putting blind faith into organizations that are run more like business then earthly representatives of God.  I have only drank from a cup made of gold in one place, and that was at church, explain to me how that is right?  Every time I walk into a church, I’m reminded of the meals that could have bin given to starving children, but instead the money was spent on a stained glass window (the average church stained glass window costs $500 - $700, and can run upwards of $15-50,000 for the really big Windows, compared to a regular double pain window witch costs around $200, that’s a savings of about $6000 for 15 regular windows instead of stained glass, witch is enough to fully sponsor two children threw Children International for 14 years.) Don’t get me wrong; a lot of good is done in our world because of religion, and a lot of people are true believers, and I respect that, but every time I walk into a cathedral, I’m not thinking “Oh, what beautiful architecture” I’m thinking “Oh, how ironic that this religion can justify having these giant intricate buildings that cost millions of dollars to build, and thousands of dollars a year to maintain, yet still pass the basket around in the middle of mass.”  And don’t even get me started on Scientology…

OK, I think that’s enough church bashing for right now.

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