Absolute boredom (but set to music)

Apr 03, 2009 09:13

Addendum: Saturday, when I wrote the entry with the Thursday quotes and about factors affecting my writing, I also did this. I should probably expound on why I love the person I become when I write bulletins or do surveys, but that's for another time. MySpace deletes them after ten days, so for matters of preservation, here's Johnny.

Everyone knows what I do in my spare time at work: I write completely redonked bulletins. You like that? Redonked. Yeah, I said it. I penned that shit. It's trademarked. I'm really not funny. But I try. And I start sentences with conjunctions. Hey! This Safari browser automatically spellchecks. Ballin.

But I digress. It's almost 5:00 somewhere, specifically here, and I don't have jack black to do until around 7 or so. In my cheap beer-fueled mind, I conjured a little game. See, here's where I am. It's a beautiful Saturday afternoon, I have the blinds open, the ipod on shuffle, and the fan on low. Most importantly, since I have absolutely nothing pressing to do, I'm indulging on the champion of the broke, Natty Light. I should mention now for those who don't know, I'm mad in love with all things music. I know, I know- EVERYONE's "in love" with music, but she's a one-man-at-a-time pony, and we're exclusive. We even changed our MySpace relationship status, so we're serious.

Again, digression indigestion. Free time + tipsy-ness + music = creativism. I picked up on the fact that a whole four people still tolerate my random ramblings (namely Stacy, Tiana, LB, and Valerie), and they don't give two monkeys about what I say. SO, that said, I'm going to shuffle up the ole ipod again, write down what comes out, and talk a little about the first 15 that come up. Does it have a point? Balls no, but I like writing. You get to learn a little about my musical taste, and I get to talk like I'm Michael Ian Black.

James Morrison - One Last Chance
I automatically want to put on one of my numerous plaid shirts and walk around Baton Rouge trying to find myself. Ok, maybe that's the wrong impression I'm trying to send because I absolutely love this album and I generally don't walk around anywhere trying to find myself. I found myself. It was the shortest game of tag I've ever played.

The Mountain Goats - Cold Milk Bottle
Alright, alright, I know about 17 people know who the heck this is, and I'm not trying to be that kid who pompously throws out the "what? never heard of them? so uncultured.." line. They're.. geez, that was a short song.

Van Halen - Running With the Devil
Van Halen did this? Yeah, that's David Lee Roth. I'm pretty sure it's been proven that you can't listen to this song and not have the yearning to throw up the rock hand-symbol.

4. Playradioplay! - Mr.
Does anyone have that band that they want so badly to dislike? For most, it's Hanson or Toto or Miley Cyrus. I like them all, but that's not the point. I saw Playradioplay with New Atlantic, Meg & Dia, and The Spill Canvas (basically the most amazing thing since.. well, Natty Light). They're this indie electronica band that did nothing for me at the show. Of course, after the adrenaline kicked in for The Spill Canvas (and four Miller High Lifes later), I bought every band's album. Not bad. Ok, it is bad.

Aqualung - Outside
Someone started an "Aqualung- the best band you've never heard of" Facebook group (thanks, Tee). He's writing this bulletin. The bastard refuses to come to the south, and I take issue with that. California's great, I'm sure. They have the governator, a big bridge, and enough gays to conquer North Korea or at least give Kim Jong some fashion advice.

The Golden Band from Tigerland - Second Down cheer
We have the best band ever assembled. And I hate USC. That has no relevance. What does is the immediate reaction I have. I just danced.

The City Life - What Would You Do
HA. I answer this song everytime I hear it. "What would you do if your son was at home, crying all alone on the bedroom floor cause he's hungry and the only way to feed him was to sleep with a man for a little bit of money" et cetera. Answer: get a job. Problem solved. Oh, here's a suggestion, although I know the rationale is a bit far-fetched: don't procreate without resources. I know! Heaven forbid the desensitization of condoms! Mularky.

Taking Back Sunday - Bonus Mosh Pit
"So scream louder now". My best teenager-turning-early-twenties memories are all set to Taking Back Sunday songs. I'm not saying I did or did not fornicate set to songs.. but it may have happened. I had Beatles mania for this band. I saw them on their once-in-a-lifetime trip to Louisiana at Tulane University. I'm a man. I like grilling, watching UFC and Cops, and oogle boobies.. and I'll sit here and admit that I almost cried when they took the stage. We're in an auditorium with seats, and I made a mosh pit. If I ever spontaneously combust, it's because The Spill Canvas and TBS announced a tour together.

Evan & Jaron - Crazy For This Girl
Speaking of manlyhood (I've been hyphenating like crazy today!).. Although I don't know exactly when this is from, I keep picturing Rachel Leigh Cook coming down the stairs. Where's that from? I can only think of 'Not Another Teen Movie'. Btw, classic. I'm positive I've sung this and thought about a particular girl more than once. It's THAT song.

Gabriel Mann - OK Alone
Finally an anthem! This.is.my.happiness-in-singledom anthem. Admittedly, I don't know another song by this cat, but this song makes me want to call up old girlfriends and just say "Now I find that you're handing out your candy valentines all over town- I will be ok alone". No, not bitter. Seriously, I've dated some women who need wake-ups calls.

Paramore - Misery Business
Let's take it from the top. There's some dissonance with this. On one hand, the song rocks, but on the other, Jakie don't play with other people's womenz. It's not a fine line. Someone last night told me a story about how I chased a bulked-up gentleman out of a party because he stole my beer. I completely forgot how those two ideas were connected. Something about husbands and fighting. I should probably slow down on el drinkeroo.

Mae - This Time is the Last Time
I mean, hey, no biggie, but I just kinda really hung out with Mae. If anyone actually still looks at pictures on here, you'd see that. We're bff. We shared recipes, played a little Super Mario Brothers 2 and 4-Square, wrote on each others casts, all that. I lie occasionally. But really this song is great. So is the album. Plus, all high-pitched voices can sing along. I try. I fail.

Massive Attack - Angel
I went through a really big Euro-music revolution about a year ago, and in flooded freakin' awesome acts such as The Kooks, James Morrison, Massive Attack, and Prodigy. ALL have been amazing, and I actually got to see The Kooks on their romp through Baton Rouge. Massive Attack takes.. patience.. and probably drugs.

Carbon Leaf - Life Less Ordinary
Granted the song is pretty recent, this brings me back to those frolicking days of Meredith Brooks and Michelle Branch. It's sing-song, and I like that. Here's an excerpt since I'm not too tipsy to be clever.

I'm a saddened man
I'm a broken boy
I'm a toddler with a complex toy

Custom - Hey Mister
This has the greatest collection of lines you never, ever want to hear as a parent, and it's actually about the worries of raising daughters. It's hilarious and terrifying and something my id would say at the age of 15.

Well, that was educational.
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