dusting off

May 10, 2008 21:51

So I dusted off some old icons (it actually happened automatically when I deleted some other ones). This one made me laugh, cause I look crazy young and with hair, and skinny-ish in the bear sense.  Maybe I'll make it my goal...minus the hair. I ain't doing no hair club fo men, er nuthin.

So i've been really working on being better with food this week. I have worked out so far 4 x this week too. Not crazy workouts though, I don't want to burn out. I just am making sure I go to the gym, and then do something cardio at least. Weights are a bonus if I feel like them. I also have been entering my food journal into fitday.com.  It's good and a little disheartening. When you think you're doing well, and then you find out that olive oil (although better for you than veggie oil) still has an ungodly amount of fat grams in it....it makes you wonder just what can you put on leafy greens to choke them down?  lol

my face and scalp are done peeling from the sunburn, although my right forearm has just started.  Although it's annoying and a little gross, it totally reminds me of SD and certain people and events and playing vb in the park, and then I smile...

San Diego is totally missed by me right now.

I'm working all wknd, and working out.  Tuesday  (my day off) will surely be consumed with house chores like mowing if it's nice enough, and possibly some upstairs cleaning...yuck
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