Nov 05, 2003 22:15
From "Measure of a Man":
"If by chance all he had to give you/ Was three words wrapped around his finger/ Would that be deep enough at the end of every day?/ And how will you ever know/ If a man is what he says?"-CA
iLOVEmrDARCY: "And how will you ever know if a man is what he says?"
iLOVEmrDARCY: Is the intended ellipsis "and how will you ever know if a man is what he says [he is]?" ?
JC S Pd: i don't care about that, but how do you have words wrapped around your finger?
iLOVEmrDARCY: I think that is a metaphor for a wedding ring.
JC S Pd: but why is that three words? and what about the talk of "depth?"
iLOVEmrDARCY: "I love you"
JC S Pd: i'm skeptical of that
JC S Pd: do you think the last line is some sort of allusion to transpeople? if so, it's either very liberating or deeply offensive
iLOVEmrDARCY: He is saying that if you are married and he wears a ring around his finger but does not penetrate you in any way with that finger (deeply, in whatever orifice), how do you know he has something to penetrate you with after all, as he (implicitly) claims
iLOVEmrDARCY: so the words are ametaphor for a wedding ring and the finger is a mechanism of penetration, which occurs in the early evening
iLOVEmrDARCY: no, wait, it doesn't occur
JC S Pd: or maybe he does penetrate you with the finger but clay is doubting that the finger is sufficient
iLOVEmrDARCY: Maybe he is saying, since he penetrates with his finger maybe he isn't a man
iLOVEmrDARCY: That is what it is!
iLOVEmrDARCY: The finger is not sufficient proof of being a "man"
JC S Pd: but the fact that he only penetrates the person with his finger is proof that he isn't biologically male
JC S Pd: right!
JC S Pd: we both concluded the same thing