*big sigh*
I technically don't have time to write this but i thin it wi be cartarthic...
I am leaving for Cicago/Boston in two days and i am seriously about to have a nervous break down
I'm leaving 1 day early casue I booked the wrong flight
I have no clran clothes becasue I had no time to go to the laundry yesterday
I hae been studying like crazy for my Bio exam which is tomorrow and I feel I still don't have everything grasped
I have to get into the Photo lab early tomorrow to process my film and get started on my prints becasue they are due at 8pm so I only have 2 hours to crank out 3 good prints
ater that I have my exam then off to bio lab
I hve to finish my lab before I leave Bio tomorrow..which will be around 4 i think
I have hoto at six so i dont have time to come home..i have to eat somewere there cause I then have to go to the library and catch up on my Journaslism class which I have completely frgotten about..and I have to watch the videos I have not been taping since its a distance ed class
I still haven't packed
I don't know what I'm taking
I hard;y have any money
I'm freaking out...
I seriously am