Doing the happy dance!

Apr 20, 2015 08:18

Update on me...I only made it to run one time last week, but on the bright side...I didn't fall out on the asphalt with a heart attack. So I'm counting it as a win. My plans got a little waylaid by a sick uncle and a visit from the in-laws, but its a new week. I did lose a little (very little) but at least the scale went in the right direction.

I'm almost finished with chapter 2 of my auction fic. Because of the above mentioned turmoil, I didn't get to write as much as I wanted, but I did make myself write something every day.

An now for the big news....*drum roll* I GOT A NEW JOB!!!!! I'll just got hired as an Office Manager/Bookkeeper for a construction and property management firm here in town. My last day at the paper will be April 30th. It's amazing how great it feels to be a short-timer at a job you hate!!!!!

So that's me in a nutshell this week...riding an emotional high from the new job and hopefully an endorphin high from running ;)

Love to you all. I hope your week is everything you wish it will be.

procrastinating ramblings

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