Fic Title: Blood Ties
phoenix1966Fandom/Genre: SPN/RPS
Pairing(s): Jensen/Jared
Rating: R
Word Count: 24,584
Warnings: Show level violence, hurt/comfort
Summary: The Family is everything. In a world of lies, betrayal and violence, Jared and Jensen find their way to each other…I know, summary sucks.
Notes: Thanks for my wonderful artist
dulcetine for the inspiration and the beautiful art that brought my words alive. Also, my love to my spectacular beta
phoenix1966 for the lightning fast beta and encouraging me to keep going and not trash the whole thing.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Please give
dulcetine all the love. Her art is magnificent!
Art Post