I'm Back!!!!

Jun 27, 2014 09:11

Hey Everyone!!!

I know that some of you think I've fallen off the face of the Earth, but I promise I haven't. As I've mentioned before, a little over two months ago my husband accepted a job in North Carolina that started in three weeks. We were not in a position to sell our current home (stinkin' housing market and economy) so in the past two months I've moved my husband 700 miles away, gotten my kids through the last month of school, cheered my oldest on during the last games of his baseball season, packed the house, fixed the house to rent and moved myself and the kids the aforementioned 700 miles. Oh yeah, plus worked.

But now we're here and trying to adjust. The county we lived in before was the size of Rhode Island and our city was fairly large. Now, we live in a town with 18,000 people and a county I can get from one side to the other in about 15 minutes...if I don't speed. So, yeah, slower pace of life, more laid back. It's not better than where we were, it's not worse...just different. Also, I'm unemployed until my licensing transfers which, wow, I have a whole new respect for housewives. I'm actually way busier than I thought I would be. (When I worked the entire family shared the chores, now I feel obligated to do the lion's share). It's an adjustment as well. Especially when my old partner texted me to say that he needs me back because in the four shifts since I left he's had a shooting, two car accidents - one a rollover - and a cardiac arrest. He laughed when I told him I had a hard week too. BBQ sauce stains are a bitch to get out.

Anyway, I'll quit rambling and get to the point.

In a nutshell, I haven't been around as much as I'd liked and haven't written hardly anything. BUT there is a bright side! I think I've finally gotten everything settled. At least as settled that I can breathe again...and write again! God, how I've missed it. I'm working on the next chapter of Redemption for those of you who still want to read it and then I'll be off to the next chapter of Home (my Firefly fic). To exercise my writing chops, I did write something small that I'll be posting soon. A timestamp for my long ago Joey Verse (now The Children of Destiny Verse). It's not great but eased me back into writing. Oh well.

So, I'm back! And fics should be updated in a more timely manner now! Thanks to those who've beared with me!

procrastinating ramblings

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