Just a note to let everyone know that I'm still here and working on the next chapter of Dawn. My family came for the holidays and if any of you have seen National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation...well let's say I have a new appreciation for Clark Griswald. Needless to say I was too drained from my own family's drama to write another's.
Anyway, I'm working on Dawn (Dean and John are having a wonderful sit down with Nathan right now - you guys wouldn't be interested in that, would you?) and once that chapter is finished I'll get cracking on the next for Redemption.
I also wanted to thank
dont_hate_me01 and
aerynsun5 for my wonderful gingerbread men! Thanks so much bbs!
For anyone interested in what's next for me and
imogen_lily after we finish Dawn and Redemption....well...
We have a J2-Firefly fic coming up along with immortal!Jensen and Jared as his past life soul mate who was brutally murdered and has been reincarnated. Author!Jared and Reporter!Jensen who share a convoluted past...will Jared give Jensen the interview that will save his career?. Ex-marine!Jensen and Jared, the lover under duress of a mafia boss who married his mother. Jock!Jensen is forced to join the glee club where he meets Jared, the overly charismatic and openly gay tenor, and learns about stereotypes and judgement. A story based on While You Were Sleeping, one based on Brave, and so many more! *takes a breath* Hope some of those sound appealing cuz we are itching to write them!
Happy New Year to everyone and theirs! I wish you all the best and that your dreams come true! (Well all but the ones where we all dream of Jared and Jensen...there just isn't enough of them to go around).