Nov 20, 2012 10:49

Just wanted to let everyone who is reading my Hold On Until Dawn series and patiently waiting for the new installment that there will be a slight (ever so slight, like a hiccup really) in the posting of the next chapter. I'm hosting 9 for Thanksgiving and then 11 on Saturday for my son's birthday. I truly plan on doing nothing but cleaning (we just got adopted by a cat - did you know cat's shed a lot and everywhere!) and cooking until Saturday and then promptly collapsing.

Rest assured I have started the next chapter and right now bad things are happening to our beloved Sammy and Dean is on a rampage. I'm working on it during my downtime (all work and no fanfic make JCR a grumpy girl) and you should see it the beginning of next week.

So, please don't throw stones...throw marshmallows! It's been unseasonably cold here in Florida and I bought hot chocolate without marshmallows (my husband doesn't like them - WTH!).

To all my American friends...Happy Thanksgiving and to everyone else...Happy Thursday!

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