An Eventful Weekend

Feb 04, 2008 23:38

As those of you in Ontario are aware, it snowed hard all day Friday. So when I got home I noticed our driveway was not plowed. We have a horseshoe type driveway that goes around the house. I typically go into the first driveway, but I saw snow that was knee high all the way up it. "Fuck that!" I yelled out to myself knowing for sure I'd get stuck. The 2nd driveway was where I drove out that morning, so I knew there would be some sort of tracks. So I tried driving in, but no luck. I got stuck with half the car hanging out on the highway.

I cursed out loud wondering why the hell my parents didn't bother call to get driveway plowed like they normally do. I come inside and ask if the phone was broken or something. Both my parents openly said "Oh I knew you'd get stuck" but they had no answer as to why they didn't call to get the driveway plowed. My dad was drunk and miserable and I guess just didn't feel like calling them. He complaining about paying to have it plowed. My brother and I spent a good 45 minutes to an hour trying to shovel out and push the car out of the snow with no luck. So then my Dad had to call CAA to get a toe truck to pull us out. We were going to park the car at a nearby store, but their parking lot wasn't plowed either. So we spent another 15-20 minutes shoveling out enough space in the driveway to pull the car into so it was at least off the road.

This wasn't how I wanted to spend my Friday night. Afterwards I ate my luke warm Mary Browns I had picked up for supper. Thanks Dad.

Saturday Night my brother and I was watching UFC when we noticed our lights began to flicker. My brother looked outside because he thought he saw a flash of lighting and then noticed there was a huge fire a couple of houses down from us. We put on our clothes and was going to call 911 but then were heard the fire truck sirens. We walked over to see the fire and boy it was big. The owner managed to get out okay but his house is totally wrecked. The firefighters took all night trying to put it out.

I discovered that house fires don't get put out easily. At first they attacked the fire from the front of the house letting the back part burn. Then they attacked the back part only to watch the front part catch on fire again. Then it went upstairs to the 2nd floor and they attacked that, only to see the back part catch on fire again. Back and forth it went all night long. Trying to get the top part out was difficult as they were trying to blast the water through the windows only 20% of it was making it through. Part of the problem was the lack of water around these parts. They could only get 2 or 3 hoses running at the same time. When they had the 3rd hose running it would have very little pressure. Eventually the just used the water canons on top of the firetrucks and just blasted the whole house. Firetrucks kept coming and going with more water to continue the fight. It's astounding the amount of water that got used trying to put out that fire. It was enough to fill a lake.

Like I said, the house was completely wrecked. There are large sections of the house where the outside walls and roof are missing because it completely burned out or got blasted away by the water. At this point they don't know what caused the fire. They've got yellow police crime scene line around the house now.

It made my family contemplate what would we do if our house was on fire. What would we want to grab and take with us as we get out? I know comics and TPBs can generally be replaced but boy I wouldn't enjoy the process of trying to replace them all. Especially all my comic history books and the info on my computer. Plus my DVDs, especially some of the Wrestling ones that are now OOP and would be really difficult to find again. I just hope it never happens.


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