Apr 10, 2010 12:13
Ever since I joined Facebook, I've been spending a lot less time on Livejournal, mostly because I can type something quick on Facebook instead of sitting down and typing out some long, complicated entry accompanied by pictures. However, there are two problems with it. The first one is that it seems that Facebook has a character limit for entries, one that it much lower than that of Livejournal, and I don't like that. The other thing is that the day I joined I friended everyone I knew and then some. Like a kid with a new toy I friended everyone that Facebook told me I should, which led to more suggestions, which led to more friend request. A lot of the people were friends of friends, and other people I only met one in real life , or not at all. Most of these people ignored my friend request, but some accepted, and every few day I get a notice that So and so accepted my friend request, and sometimes I look at who it is and wonder "why did I friend this person"? I don't want to unfriend them right after they friended me, but I also think telling stranger my sometimes personal thoughts is kinda weird. I guess I could filter them, but they why have them at all? Were right back to the idea of unfriending. *sign* Internet, how you vex me...