Jul 11, 2009 13:29
I just got back from a pizza eating contest. Knowing that I didn't stand a chance against a professional competitive eater, I only went for the free pizza. Still, my grand total was two slices in twenty minutes. Granted, they were HUGE slices, each roughly the size of a small pizza, but still. The winner ate five and a half, and almost everyone ate at least three slices. It takes something like this to let one know that they aren't the eater that they thought they were. At least I got to take home th pizza I didn't eat, which mean I can actually enjoy them, as opposed to the contest in which I was too concentrated on eating and not barfing to enjoy myself. Anyway, I got about twenty dollars worth of free pizza, three t-shirts, a hat, a couple bandannas, a water bottle and a large cup. The way I figure, I made out pretty well.
Well, I'm off to a BBQ to help eat a whole pig. Yes, this is after being in an eating competition.