Apr 23, 2007 15:33
On Saturday I joined Erins Bike gang Fellowship of the wheel, alongside Rob and a guy named Joe that was new. I keep the trio waiting because I got into a small accident on the way, but I absorbed all the impact into my brain, so no harm was done.
After a few alterations we were on our way on a nice, leisurely ride of about 5.2 miles, pausing a few time for some photo opps. We looked few scary and intimidating!
At the end we went to a place called Kabul house, where we were later joined by Nelson, Victor, and Alan. The food there was pretty tasty, with the exception of a drink that Rob bought called "Dog" or "Dough" or something. It was the WORST, most distusting thing I ever tasted in my life. But the rest of the food was quite good, and I enjoyed eating there and widening my food view.
Afterwards everyone went there separate ways. I went home and game my car (and myself) a much needed washing, then rested a bit before heading off to Pam and Karen's second birthday party. It was more or less the same as last time, with games and good conversation. The only difference was I only got a LITTLE drunk. Me and Karen stayed a little longer than last time, then we went home. We're going to ANOTHER birthday party on Tuesday, only this time it will not be for her. Man, that will be different.