Feb 09, 2008 11:59
Comments off because I don't CARE.
I feel really dumb and taken advantage of. I just learned something that made me feel really ticked off, mostly at myself because I shouldn’t have been so damned gullible. You NEVER believe anything without checking in politics. NEVER.
His supporters have been either saying that flat-out (because I suspect they don’t really know their candidate) or have been content to let that erroneous belief stand because it serves their purpose.
I finally asked myself okay, what WAS his vote? I mean, I asked that TODAY. After MONTHS of hearing otherwise.
He wasn’t even a Senator at the time! He gave a SPEECH against the war. And the minute he was actually in the Senate and had to put his nards on the line, he fell in line like all the rest of them did. Voted to continue funding that stinking war four damned times. Voted to keep up with the Patriot Act, the whole works. Including that vote that ticked off so many people after the 06 elections; he toed the line just like the rest of them did. Bill Clinton was RIGHT -- this whole "Obama didn't vote for Iraq" thing IS a fairy tale.
There is absolutely no difference at all between him and Clinton on the Iraq war. NONE. Oh, he says he “would have” voted against it if he’d had the chance. Yeah, everyone says they “would have” hidden Jews in their attic, too -- but how many people actually did when the chips were down?
For a guy who “would have” voted against it if he’d had the chance, he sure rushed to fall in line once he was in the Senate. Doesn't give me any trust that his latest pretty speeches will be backed up with substance if he gets in this time.
Damn it. DAMN IT. I bought this the whole fucking time. DAMN IT. It's BS! The whole fucking thing!
Obama NEVER voted against the war, and the second he was in the Senate, he voted completely alongside Clinton. The minute he had to start triangulating just like her, he did it. The minute he had to risk his own neck, he fell in line, too. Damn it. God DAMN it.
Yeah, I should have checked earlier - but that just I’ll be picking over EVERYTHING with a fine-toothed comb from now on.
Barack Obama VOTED FOR THE IRAQ WAR every chance he got, and for the same reasons Clinton did. That dog don’t hunt anymore.
If you like him for other reasons, vote for him -- but don't even PRETEND that it's an anti-war vote. That's horseshit.