Doing dat damn thing

May 24, 2005 22:17

Well, this is my first journal entry and i thought i would fill you in about a few events and things that were fun and things that interest me. Lets start with the Boston Red Sox who ahve been a bit shaky but no worries because they will prevail in the end. Many key injuries have set back this teams potential. With my favorite player Kevin Millar struggling with the wood somethings got to click soon enough. But my main man Bronson Arroyo has been doing great and im hoping he brings back his dreads. The Celtics had a typical collapse in the playoffs, losing to the shit for a team Pacers. Getting pyched up for the Patriots with all there new improvements, especially hard hitting Duane Starks. And news flash for people like Joey Hogan who buy bright yellow bruins hats on sale because there is NO NHL!

Well chilling with the fellas has been pretty interesting lately. Goodnights out to places and picking up balcunattractive, sugar in breasts waitresses at Hooters. Well lately a group of friends have been very interested in going to visit scary places that give you fucking the creeps. It all started out when we visited Devils Church and flashed my lights on the window and saw pant legs hanging out and i sped of as fast as possible. In the car scared to death was Hoagie, dolan, shane, jesse. Then we drove back and i flashed my headlights on the window again and no sign of pant legs. It was the most scary shit ever. So we decided to up the scare tactics by going and visiting one of the freakiest places ever here in cowhampshire. So we went and visited
the sawmill on a friday night with a bunch of people which included haarlander, j-money, greg, tim, nicool, nikki gauthier, heather, amanda, jack, laro, nikki b, tabby, hoagie, dolan, and keith. It is the fucking scariest looking place ever. We went in and w-o-w so creapy. Like we totally went upstairs and then the floor was all soft and thought i was gonna fall through. Ofcourse i was never scared when we found shotgun bullets and saw people in there. Oviously i was like not scared at all and never ran ouot screaming like a little girl. I oviously said lets take those people on who are in there. Anyways those were such goodtimes. And i believe we are going back soon and i am excited. This time i am bringing a bat. But downpoints of that night were that we lost haarlander like fucking every 5 minutes and laros gf had to go home so we waited around for half an hour.

Right now i am pretty phyched because we are nearing the end of the school year. I am so excited to have my lisence and a car for the summer, should be goodtimes. Going to the beach and having long walks with a special someone. Also i am very excited cuz my colt baseball season has now begun and we had our first game against gregs A's and we won 8-4 and i went 2-2 with 2 RBIs (1-0). To note - Cody struck out. Its only like a week now and summer league basketball begins where Sadler, Chelby and I will dominate.But something scary really happened during this time i was writing this, i havent had a klondike bar in like 6 years and i got one tonight and what do u know joey hogan is chowing down on one same time as me. He said he hasnt had one forever too. Creepy, very. Then COdy imed me and said what kind and i was like regular and hes like i had one today too except it was caramel. Then i told Hogan and hes like cody will fucking eat anything. LMAO

O yeah and Nikki garrity makes excellent soggy, buttered grilled cheese!

Today i realized through all hard times there will always be that someone that makes you smile.
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