(no subject)

Aug 16, 2011 15:13

lately theres the cliche of characters reading their books, especially Harry Potter fandom, or seeing their own movie and commenting. But it drives me nuts when they try to force a pairing. Oh look this person will have similar tastes see they'll meant to be. For example Harry/Ginny. If this is before the sixth book, Harry's had no interst in Ginny! He didn't see her as pretty or really think anything of, beyond she's his best friend's sister. He has a crush on Cho from his second book to the fifth book, where the distarous hogsmeade date occured with Hermione interrupting, and Cho getting jealous. So if the third year Harry is reading his first year book, next to Ginny he's not going to be blushing and his heart pounding! Now if it was sixth year Harry, or just after the Department of Mystery then okay, he can be confused and realizing his feelings for Ginny!
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