Brief (and messy - apologies) update

Aug 23, 2005 16:26

>What I've noticed happening: During the week that I'm taking drugs I'm
>really fatigued. I was coming home from work and dropping into bed a
>couple hour or so nap. I also find something that I haven't had happen
>since surgery time - loss of impulse control, searching for words a lot
>more than
>usual, inserting words (something I didn't used to do before) -- that's
>big one. I've also had a side-effect from the drug come in - I've
>to over-react to things. I am sometimes sensitive to things but not like
>this! I've started to sniffle at every sad/pretty song that goes by on
>the radio! Darn them drugs any way. Otherwise, I don't seem to have
>had any
>trouble so far. No weight loss or loss of hair, but this is only round
>so we'll see how it goes.
>I'd like to make a comment about the inserting words. Usually when I'm
>speaking I'm trying to express a certain thing - the kittens are fine;
>my friends' new baby is lovely, etc. What's happening is I'll be
>talking away
>and I'll put in the word of something that I see before my eyes or
>that I read instead; i.e. the kittens are driving truck fine or my
>new baby is letting the flies in. Or even just one word - I inserted the
>word 'tossing' into the middle of my sentence the other day, which made
>no sense at all. I know where it came from - I was watching my friend's
>toss her bottle about the table and I threw in the word because it was
>I was concentrating on at the time. Very frustrating.
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