Mar 11, 2005 09:32
Okay, okay - I'll confess. It really was much too exciting to be thinking about my birthday and the fact that I will be able to see all my siblings but one this weekend. I didn't/couldn't fall asleep until a little after 3 a.m., so I am drinking more coffee than is really sound. But what the hey! I'll make my spouse take over the driving when we stop for dinner. I am now 35 (Wow! All this way and still kicking! Hurrah for me!) and am still one of the luckiest people in the world.
My sweetie started my b-day off early with a gift last night of the DVD "Down With Love", which I immediately unwrapped, played the blooper reel out of the special features and laughed my head off most of the way through ("This is the last opportunity I'll have to kiss DHP and I hope he'll slip me a little tongue")and then jumped to the 'revealing of characters' scene and watched the end. Hee! What fun! I look forward to watching the rest of it complete when I return from the wedding weekend.
It is a kind of odd thing to think of one's oldest niece getting married, since I still recall that little face being un-bundled from all of those blankets very well. No, I don't feel old, but I do wonder where the time went.
My '10 year twin' sister is flying in today from Portland and is staying for two weeks! Whee!