For all the gaming friends:

Oct 12, 2012 18:35

So apparently back in August at Gencon, White Wolf announced a new company was going to be splitting off and doing their own thing: Onyx Path Publishing. Onyx Path is going to focus strictly on the tabletop aspect of all the old WW IPs and CCP bought up, while CCP/White Wolf works up other stuff.

V20 is already a success, and the w20 Kickstarter went made minimum in less than 10 hours. A lot of people are excited about this.

Me? Scion 2nd Ed.? I is happy. Exalted 3rd. Ed? Fuck. Yes. All of that!

Resurrrecting the Trinity Continnum? New editions of Adventure!, ABERRANT and (Aeon) Trinity? *head explodes*

It's an exciting time to be a gamer. Now to figure out how to at least end up as one of their freelancers for...well...everything they'd let me write on, really.

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