Apr 01, 2012 09:37
A few seconds agoJim Comer
Zhathvat O'as
The Heart Sutra
Chovam Evezhugothoshveret fuththozhathavahat vagardhdhada Khusshe'athafat Zha'athvat asachip
At that time Avalokitshvara/KwanYin the Boddhisattva performed the profound Sutra of the Great Enlightenment.
Khus echantha efelthesh shepannap.
He illuminated the five bundles.
Fra eviyathar basarthakap
And he saw that they were empty.
Fra e'aschat fratha'ananet shasandokarap
And he crossed over all pain and suffering.
O S'haherofat! Thwek ka'afa viyahosafaip; Kafa thwe'ak viyahosafaip.
O Shariputra! Form does not differ from emptiness; emptiness does not differ from form.
Thwek ka'afa ahepatab; kafa thwe'ak ahepatab, fra me'asath, ha'arash, the'adal me'anam, ehepatab
Form is emptiness; emptiness is form, so are feeling, cognition, origin and consciousness.
O S'haherofat! Ithermat igu'asgu iviyahosafaip. Iviyamesanamap fra ivoyafasasap.
O Shariputra! All dharmas are empty of characteristics. They are not born and do not die.
Iiyatosorkop fra iviyabe'seltogap
They are not pure and not defiled.
Fra viohar viyisagfup viohar viyachasarthap.
And they neither increase nor decrease.
Fra kafa viyathwe'ak fraviyame'asath fraviyaha'arash fraviyakhafatsch fraviyathe'adal fraviya'i'o'alchom fraviyachu'ana fraviyaha'at fraviyaghe'aresh fraviyatsa'atat fraviya'e'ashkat fraviyaba'atharkh fraviyachwe'al fraviyachu'ana fraviyape'ahekth fraviyavo'ash fraviya'ithe'armet viyahepatab. Fraviyaka'archar o'elchomraviyathe'adal
Therefore in emptiness there is no form and no feeling and no formation and no consciousness and no eyes and no ears and no mouth and no speech and no body
and no mind and no sights and no sounds and no smells and no tastes and no objects of touch and no dharmas.
And there is no field of the eyes and no mind-consciousness.
Fraviyata'ayamat fraviyaviyathe'armat ahepatab.
And there is no knowledge and no ignorance.
Fraviyae'afo fraviyafa'ass fraviyazha'at e'efo fraviyazha'at fa'ess ahepatab.
And there is no old age and no death and no ending of old age and death.
Fraviyafe'ahar fraviyafe'alchesh fraviyafa'assa fraviyashe'alok fraviyaha'aresh fraviya'a'achit.
And there is no suffering and no accumulating and no extinction and no journey and no understanding and no attaining.
Frafichea viya'a'achit, fuththozhathavahat fe'arezhana fe'aremothara vipathatap fra'eshkat f'eththozhathavahat hepasthakap.
And because there is no attaining and the boddhisattva relies on the prajnaparamita and the mind of the Boddhisattva is as strong as a elephant-pig.
Frafichea viya'zhat ahepatab, viyakhupaliveri, la'ocho frafutholchom futhe'eshkat
And because there is no ceasing, there is no fear, and he leaves negative mind-seeing behind.
Zhananasch zhasatap.
Joy is the goal.
Idhai i'edede'igfu'eltha iyetoz izhasananaschap fe'arezhana fe'aremothara fra'i'visathatap.
All the Buddhas of the tens of thousands of years attain bliss and rely on the prajna paramita.
Fraferezhana feremothara ve'anatar e'eshgarkat frashe'egarhat frathegaremth fra'eshugogoa tasayamatad.
And know you that the prajna paramita is a spiritual mantra and a bright mantra and a royal mantra and the best mantra.
Tha'ananet zhasatap fravi'ayafuth ahesatap. Tirof venatar fe'arezhana fe'aremothara ghewhareshap.
It ends all suffering and it is not false. Therefore the mantra of prajna paramita was spoken.
Gheghepareshad tigarof.
Recite it in this way.
Gate, gate, parasamgate, bodhi, svahi.
Gone, gone, gone beyond recall. O what awakening! All Hail the Buddha!